I have a few questions regarding the tiers here:
1. Why isn't Weezing also at least C like Muk?
Weezing has better defensive stats, and is much better offensively with special attacks than Muk. The main difference I see is that Muk knows Body Slam and Mega Drain. Do either of those attacks make it better overall?
2. Why isn't Magneton and/or Flareon decisvely here? They both have insanely high Special.
I know Magneton is slower and doesn't have Explosion like Electrode, but that seems to be all Electrode has for it consider its defensive and offensive stats are much worse than Magneton.
Nearly the same thing with Flareon, both of them seem to be similar to me in the same way you placed Moltres and Articuno in 2U. Poor movesets, but fairly durable with extremely powerful STAB attacks.
3. While not as relevant, wouldn't Rhyhorn be better than Sandshrew overall?
For Muk and Weezing there's the physical attack to take into account, but I don't think they've been tested that much. The tier is still "WIP"
Magneton and Flareon are both slow, Magneton is cockblocked by Graveler (and can't boom whereas Electrode can) and Flareon has troubles too, unlike Magmar who has Psychic. Ninetales outspeeds most of the stuff and can lead better.
Graveler is quite a lot better than Rhyhorn, and Sanshrew has Swords Dance, Rhyhorn doesn't.
Could probably go way deeper into details but overall that's why