Ranking Update
Arcanine - C > B-
Diglett - E > D
Nidoqueen - C > B-
Ninetales - E > D
Scyther - B+ > B-
There appeared to be no opposition to Diglett or Nidoqueen rising. Majority seem to be of the opinion Arcanine is deserving of B-. Still haven't seen Ninetales in action, but it does seem being placed in E rank is a bit undeserved. Also agree with Wag to D, but then we'd have the issue of an empty C rank. I'm thinking the viability rankings should look something like this right now:
S Rank
Nidoking, Porygon, Venomoth
A Rank
Blastoise, Rapidash, Slowpoke
B Rank
Abra, Arcanine, Tangela, Nidoqueen, Omastar
C Rank
Scyther, Staryu
D Rank
Diglett, Machamp, Magneton, Muk, Ninetales, Poliwag, Weepinbell
Mostly, this remerges B into 1 rank, drops Poliwag to D and drops Scyther/Staryu into C. Scyther I think has Dragonite syndrome, where virtually everything ranked higher than it either can inflict paralysis (in 4U's case usually directly with Thunder Wave/Stun Spore) or 2HKOs, has a viable hard counter (Gengar/Omastar), and doesn't become a huge threat until it finds an opportunity to set up. Staryu, aside from being squishy and having paralysis troubles, has a lot of competition from other Waters and when teambuilding I usually consider Toise/Poke/Oma before it. Rapidash could maybe drop to B (I disagree, but if majority feel it belongs there that's where it'll go), but it should still be one rank above Arcanine (so if Rapidash is B, then Arcanine is C). It feels very similar to the case of Golem/Rhydon where the former has the speed advantage against the latter and access to a useful tool (Explosion/Fire Spin), and the latter has more bulk/Attack, so I think that'd be appropriate.