I don't think this set should get any special name. All it is is standard mixmence with +Spe instead of +SpA1) First off all I would like to suggest the Noitu set which uses 328 speed. This set is incredibly underrated. It still hits relatively hard. It 2hkos most rachis, speedties CB gon, outspeeds +1 ttar and most other mences. If you watch my PPL game vs Lycomedes you will see that my 305 speed zap could not get the expected sweep against Noitu mence + the rest of his team and thus costed me the game.(first found this set on a noitu team and since attributed it to him, its just a more speedy mence really)
Salamence @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
IVs: 30 Def / 30 SpA
- Dragon Claw
- Fire Blast
- Brick Break
- Hidden Power [Grass]
also ninjax u genius if u edit your responses into your original post instead of making a new post noone will read it.
why are you talking about smogon sets when a PP analysis exist?As a conclusion I would just like to say that you will NEVER see me use the Smogon preset for mixmence. Not only is it terrible but a huge amount of the standard smogon sets are God awful.(Eg dd Tar should probably have its speed and attack EVs swapped on the smogon profile.)
ADV OU (OverUsed) - Salamence [GP Ready] | Pokémon Perfect