ADV OU Viability Rankings

1) First off all I would like to suggest the Noitu set which uses 328 speed. This set is incredibly underrated. It still hits relatively hard. It 2hkos most rachis, speedties CB gon, outspeeds +1 ttar and most other mences. If you watch my PPL game vs Lycomedes you will see that my 305 speed zap could not get the expected sweep against Noitu mence + the rest of his team and thus costed me the game.(first found this set on a noitu team and since attributed it to him, its just a more speedy mence really)
Salamence @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
IVs: 30 Def / 30 SpA
- Dragon Claw
- Fire Blast
- Brick Break
- Hidden Power [Grass]
I don't think this set should get any special name. All it is is standard mixmence with +Spe instead of +SpA

also ninjax u genius if u edit your responses into your original post instead of making a new post noone will read it.

As a conclusion I would just like to say that you will NEVER see me use the Smogon preset for mixmence. Not only is it terrible but a huge amount of the standard smogon sets are God awful.(Eg dd Tar should probably have its speed and attack EVs swapped on the smogon profile.)
why are you talking about smogon sets when a PP analysis exist?

ADV OU (OverUsed) - Salamence [GP Ready] | Pokémon Perfect
I don't think this set should get any special name. All it is is standard mixmence with +Spe instead of +SpA

also ninjax u genius if u edit your responses into your original post instead of making a new post noone will read it.

why are you talking about smogon sets when a PP analysis exist?

ADV OU (OverUsed) - Salamence [GP Ready] | Pokémon Perfect
DA i referenced both of your queries in the post. I said although i gave it a name, its just +Spd mence.
The reason i mentioned the smogon sets was because that is the set ppl refer to.
the info was there already
The downside of dropping dragon claw isn't the damage-mence can find a move in its pool to do more than dclaw to practically every mon. Instead, it's the coverage it offers. It lowers the guesswork required and allows you to not risk sacrificing tempo. It knocks tar into bb range, pert into hp grass range, gar into range where it can't come in again, and does relevant damage to zapdos and cune. So while it isn't really a haymaker of a move, it avoids backbreaking scenarios like brick break/hp grass on a gar switch or fire blast on a tar switch.
Rock slide isn't bad necessarily, and its ability to turn mence into a moltres answer is another perk, but it's objectively a far riskier option and isn't used nearly as often for a reason.
Bulkier spreads can also be quite useful, giving mence a chance to survive things like pert ice beam, gar ice punch, and opposing mence's dclaw
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my bad actually i didnt realise the pp set for mixmence was different from the smogon set
most of the smogon sets are different because they were mostly written several years ago! Anyway it's fine if u didn't realise that, now you know for the future that the PP analyses are guarantee'd qualitE while the smogon analyses are unreliable at best~
Errrrr can we please not derail the conversation into which site does better at maintaining resources (PP does but still).

hclat's points are good, and yeah the fact is that Mence kinda does suck in this meta, proliferation of Refresh mon Bulky Offense and Tar / Jirachi with Ice moves blow and it was never all that great to begin with. It's staying where it is for now bop.

Now that I've said that you guys can feel free to discuss anything else I changed or other changes you'd like to see.
I was bored a few weeks ago and created a usage stat sheet for PPL which can be found here. I thought I'd share it with you guys.

Not really too many surprises but I'll leave a couple observations:

-Gengar's usage seems a little on the low side to me however its win percentage was quite impressive.
-Claydol usage was quite high, just behind Jirachi and ahead of tier staples like Aerodactyl and Dugtrio. Refresh definitely increases the amount of teams it can find its way on to since it not longer needs support against the tier's best spiker. Still a bit surprising to me though.
-Flygon maintained a solid win percentage despite the recent prevalence of DD IB tar although with only 17 teams using it in the tour, the small sample size makes these results unreliable.
-Skarmory at the number 2 spot (with a decent win percentage) is a bit surprising to me. The metagame has been a bit rough on it recently but it still seems to be doing well regardless. The stats in general definitely seem to indicate that TSS is still going strong.

Definitely would like to hear if you guys have any thoughts!
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The usage results are definitely pretty surprising.. TTar at over 75% usage, Zapdos ahead of Swampert, Jirachi used just barely more than Claydol, Snorlax snagging over 25% usage... they're definitely interesting numbers that look quite a bit different from say SPL's usage I think.
I wouldn't say zapdos is that surprising. In SPL swampert got around 39% and zapdos around 38%, in this zapdos was around 39% with swampert around 38%, so both got pretty similar usage. If you look at the pokes around jirachi too I'd say that's more a function of claydol being abnormally high than rachi being abnormally low. Snorlax also had lower usage in PPL than it did in SPL where it snagged almost 30% usage. I did overlook ttar though, it usually sits around 65-70%, so 77% is a bit abnormal.
Yeah, I guess I'm just remembering the days when Pert was encroaching on 50%, but I do feel like Rachi is kind of low, it feels like that Pokemon is everywhere these days so it seems strange it not even snagging 30%. It's almost an S rank.
As I have been saying for a long time Skarm is the second or third best pokemon in the tier (I think second). The metagame cannot realistically get much more hostile to skarm. We are already seeing lots of magneton and even non-trivial amounts of refresh claydol. Yet skarm teams keep winning.

I am most surprised Jirachi was so low. I think it will see alot more use next PPL.
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I am unsure if this is the right place to ask, but I'm looking for some good resources on Claydol. It seems he lacks even a work in progress analysis. Can anyone spare some tips or resources?