Welcome to the RBY BL Viability Ranking Thread! This is for PP RBY BL. There is no wrap clause. In case you're not familiar with the concept, we place Pokémon in certain ranks here, based on their impact on the tier as well as their general viability in the tier. How This is an excellent help while teambuilding and it serves as a general outline of the tier.
If you feel that a Pokémon is misplaced, feel free to make a post about it - that's what this thread is for. As long as you are reasonably sensible and courteous this thread should run smoothly.
Pokémon are sorted into the respective categories based on how well they perform their roles. Within each ranking Pokemon are listed alphabetically to avoid overcomplication.
Important note:
The decision to decide on what is considered a member of the tier (i.e. banned from all tiers below it) may involve the viability rankings (e.g. everything B and above UU, everything D and below not UU, everything C up for discussion).
Broken Rank
These are Pokemon that are banned from the tier for being too good in some sense.
None currently!
S Rank
These are the top Pokemon of the tier, that you should put on most serious teams that you create. These Pokemon excel at their roles in the tier to such a point that they are dominating forces.
Articuno - Analysis
Moltres - Analysis
A Rank
These Pokemon are exceptional at their roles, performing significant roles in the metagame, however they are not dominating forces.
Kadabra - Analysis
Kangaskhan - Analysis
Rhydon - Analysis
Vaporeon - Analysis
B Rank
These Pokemon are strong choices in the metagame, but may suffer from inconsistency due to luck or matchup much moreso than the Pokemon in the Rank above. They have larger flaws or competition from other similar Pokemon which reduce their usefulness, but they're still considered metagame staples.
Haunter - Analysis
Tangela - Analysis
C Rank
These Pokemon are more infrequent sights in the metagame, particularly in top level matches, but are nevertheless very viable Pokemon. They suffer from larger flaws than the Pokemon in the above rank.
Butterfree - Analysis
Charizard - Analysis
Staryu - Analysis
Venomoth - Analysis
D Rank
These Pokemon are very rare sights in top level matches, and suffer from more crippling flaws. They require a lot of support to be effective, and may have consistency issues.
Mr. Mime
E Rank
These Pokemon are viable in the tier but require very specific support to make use of. They have flaws too crippling for them to be seen at all often in high level play, but nevertheless are still explorable options.
Primeape - Analysis
If you feel that a Pokémon is misplaced, feel free to make a post about it - that's what this thread is for. As long as you are reasonably sensible and courteous this thread should run smoothly.
Pokémon are sorted into the respective categories based on how well they perform their roles. Within each ranking Pokemon are listed alphabetically to avoid overcomplication.
Important note:
The decision to decide on what is considered a member of the tier (i.e. banned from all tiers below it) may involve the viability rankings (e.g. everything B and above UU, everything D and below not UU, everything C up for discussion).
Ubers: Mew, Mewtwo
OU: Alakazam, Chansey, Cloyster, Dragonite, Exeggutor, Gengar, Golem, Lapras, Jolteon, Jynx, Slowbro, Snorlax, Starmie, Tauros, Zapdos
UU: Everything Else
OU: Alakazam, Chansey, Cloyster, Dragonite, Exeggutor, Gengar, Golem, Lapras, Jolteon, Jynx, Slowbro, Snorlax, Starmie, Tauros, Zapdos
UU: Everything Else
Broken Rank
These are Pokemon that are banned from the tier for being too good in some sense.
None currently!
S Rank
These are the top Pokemon of the tier, that you should put on most serious teams that you create. These Pokemon excel at their roles in the tier to such a point that they are dominating forces.

A Rank
These Pokemon are exceptional at their roles, performing significant roles in the metagame, however they are not dominating forces.

B Rank
These Pokemon are strong choices in the metagame, but may suffer from inconsistency due to luck or matchup much moreso than the Pokemon in the Rank above. They have larger flaws or competition from other similar Pokemon which reduce their usefulness, but they're still considered metagame staples.

C Rank
These Pokemon are more infrequent sights in the metagame, particularly in top level matches, but are nevertheless very viable Pokemon. They suffer from larger flaws than the Pokemon in the above rank.

D Rank
These Pokemon are very rare sights in top level matches, and suffer from more crippling flaws. They require a lot of support to be effective, and may have consistency issues.

E Rank
These Pokemon are viable in the tier but require very specific support to make use of. They have flaws too crippling for them to be seen at all often in high level play, but nevertheless are still explorable options.

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