ORAS 1U Viability Rankings

Welcome to the ORAS 1U Viability Ranking Thread! In case you're not familiar with the concept, we place Pokémon in certain ranks here, based on their impact on the tier as well as their general viability in the tier. This is an excellent help while teambuilding and it serves as a general outline of the tier. Furthermore it is used in our formation of the tier below.

If you feel that a Pokémon is misplaced, feel free to make a post about it - that's what this thread is for. As long as you are reasonably sensible and courteous this thread should run smoothly.

Pokémon are sorted into the respective categories based on how well they perform their roles. Within each ranking Pokemon are listed alphabetically to avoid overcomplication.

Swagger Clause: Swagger is banned
Mega Rayquaza Ban Mod: You cannot mega evolve Rayquaza
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
Moody Clause: Moody is banned
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages

Additional Bans:

Shadow Tag
Red Orb
Blue Orb
Evasion Clause
Baton Pass Clause [Limit - 3 Baton Pass using members per team]

S Rank

These Pokemon excel at their roles in the tier to such a point that they are the most dominating forces.

Arceus-Ghost - Analysis
Darkrai - Analysis
Ho-oh - Analysis
Kyogre - Analysis

A Rank

These Pokemon perform significant roles in the metagame, and perform them very well, however they are not the most dominating forces.

Arceus - Analysis
Groudon - Analysis
Latias (Regular) - Analysis
Mewtwo (Regular, Mega Y) - Analysis
Sableye (Mega) - Analysis
Xerneas - Analysis
Yveltal - Analysis

Blaziken (Mega) - Analysis
Deoxys-S - Analysis
Dialga - Analysis
Genesect - Analysis
Palkia - Analysis
Rayquaza - Analysis
Zekrom - Analysis

Arceus-Electric - Analysis
Arceus-Grass - Analysis
Arceus-Rock - Analysis
Arceus-Water - Analysis
Giratina-O - Analysis
Klefki - Analysis
Latios (Regular) - Analysis
Lugia - Analysis

B Rank

These Pokemon are strong choices in the metagame, but perform less important roles or are less consistent than Pokémon in the Rank above. They have larger flaws than Pokémon in above ranks, or face greater competition from similar Pokemon, reducing their usefulness.

Arceus-Dark - Analysis
Arceus-Ground - Analysis
Deoxys-A - Analysis
Ferrothorn - Analysis
Gliscor - Analysis
Kangaskhan (Mega) - Analysis
Landorus-T - Analysis
Tyranitar (Regular) - Analysis

Arceus-Fairy - Analysis
Diancie (Mega)
Lucario (Mega)
-------------------- Everything above this line is 1U -------------------- Everything below this line is 2U --------------------
Sylveon - Analysis


C Rank

These Pokemon are more infrequent sights in the metagame, particularly in top level matches, but are nevertheless viable Pokemon. They are less effective in the metagame than Pokémon in above ranks, but are effective with proper support.

Mawile (Mega)
Mewtwo (Mega X) - Analysis
Smeargle - Analysis

Metagross (Mega)
Scizor (Regular, Mega)
Slowbro (Mega)

Blaziken (Regular) - Analysis
Garchomp (Regular)
Gyarados (Mega)
Salamence (Regular)
Tyranitar (Mega) - Analysis
Venusaur (Mega)
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Darkrai for A+, pretty much dents any team with its good speed tier and the major disruption it causes with sleep. Can run a varied movepool too to get past would-be checks such as Taunt or Thunder for Ho-oh and Kyogre. Incredibly self-sufficient mons who does not need support. Will drop a little more opinions on mons later but g2g soon.

Some questions though:

What makes Aegislash and Forretress so high? Also Kyu-W should at least be B-. C+ is a little rude to it =[
With Darkrai, is the lack of synergy defensively it provides at all an issue?

Aegislash I rated so highly since it checks xerneas very well, as well as being the most reliable pursuit trapper of Lati@s without requiring your mega slot.

Maybe I'm rating forretress a bit highly.

What does Kyurem-W really do that other stuff can't though? I see it is being a slightly more powerful reshiram lol.


I guess it's an issue that prevents it from being any higher than A+, idk maybe it's just my opinion but I definitely see it as threatening as those in A+, it is really hard to check. Let's say you even have the perfect moment, Sleep Talk Ho-oh with no rocks up for example. There is still no gaurantee you can go on to check it because bad Sleep Talk rolls exist, as well as waking up at a bad time. If it is CB Ho-oh it becomes worse because you are locked into Sleep Talk.

As for Aegislash, is Geoxern not banned? Like that was its biggest niche in XY and ORAS but even then it's not good enough to be anywhere near A on their viability rankings. The absence of Geoxern makes checking Xerneas not that huge, but I guess trapping Latis is big. Outside of that though it's kinda of eh, like S rank mons Ho-oh, Ekiller and Ghostceus laugh at it, as well as other good things like Yveltal and Darkrai. It's not a bad mon but I feel A is a little too high.

I'm not that concerned about Kyu-W's rank but it's odd to see Pokemon like Deo-D above it at B-, while it at C+ is on the same level as niche things like Charizard and Gyarados. It has bad defensive synergy at all but is ridiculously difficult to switch into safely. Its quite similar to Ho-oh in that its hard to check, except its typing, ability and maybe stat spread is inferior. It has stellar coverage and ridiculous wallbreaking power which is why I feel C+ is a little too low.


Ok I'll try commenting on everything (I care about)

Arceus - yh
Arceus-Ghost - to a, this may have gotten better because it checks latis, but things that check ghosts got more common too because they check the latis. good, definitely. s-rank? no, it's just not good enough for s-rank. it may fit the current description, but I think it's a bit flawed. still to A+
Ho-oh - yh, defog latis+ho-oh have awesome synergy. the thing that set ho-oh back the most was mence, but now you can fearlessly switch into (most, at least) the things that check latis and sd/bb away.
Mewtwo - yh

A Rank
These Pokemon are exceptional at their roles, performing significant roles in the metagame, however they are not the most dominating forces.

Blaziken - no. how is this even near a+, it's just not that good. latias hurts this mon (cant break trough it with sd, has to run /suboptimal/ 3atks), and is suuuuper frail and revenged by all priority ever. there are better megas, this often doesnt justify a slot. A-
Dialga - sure, soft lati check now too. soft cm arc check is nice, rocks etc just a good mon
Kyogre - not yet sure on this, a- might not be a bad idea for fine for now
Latias - yh
Latios - yh
Sableye - yh
Yveltal - yh, most likely. never liked this mon too much, gained a bit lost a bit in PP ubers

Arceus-Rock - no. it's ground weak which is obnoxious. defogging is made much harder because of this. yeah a great ho-oh check is nice for it just often fails to do its job well in practice. A-at best
Arceus-Water - latis are better ogre checks, cm+refresh is tough because of latis. checking ho-oh is nice, but this mon got worse for sure. A- at best
Darkrai - at the very least, not sure but I really wouldnt be opposed to a+
Giratina-O - yh good mon, does useful stuff and fits on many teams, still has its fair share of checks but good indeed
Gliscor - this probably always deserves the same rank as don, but don got more worse (can you say that?) so idk. makes me want to put don in a-, but this can stay for now. it's not good enough compared to other mons that should be here though probably
Groudon - yh sure, also got worse because of but is still a good catch-all physical check
Palkia - this lost a fair bit of it's niche, still fucks over teams without a good switch-in, but latis check ogre too and also check palkis. maybe a- but fine for now
Xerneas - yh

Aegislash - dont think this mon is good, but pursuit is rather nice
Arceus-Electric - cm ice beam still hits latis, soft bird check is nice, decent mon in general
Arceus-Fairy - I guess, there are more things that check yvetal and latis, but ehh. actually yh B+, just not that good running other arcs is nicer
Arceus-Poison no, xern got worse for sure and latis existing sucks. B/B-
Deoxys-A - um probably
Diancie - yh
Forretress - seems about right
Genesect - not a stellar mon, one time lati check but just isnt that good. B
Lugia - yh sure
Klefki - it's fine in here, but I think it could go A-mid for sure. checking latis is very nice, and it's checks xern+yveltal+rogue set-up sweepers too. now that I think about it,A-mid because in practice it's very useful and often fits nicely
Landorus-T - urg the 3 grounds, lant don and glisc, how do they compare. idk man tbh, just keep it here I guess
Rayquaza - fine, but not that great. wouldnt be surprised if people agree with b+, but this is fine
Sylveon - this sucks, it's not good at doing what you want it to do and often stuff mostly does it better. B- is way too generous, C+

edit: ok jk the C+ mons really suck, B+

B Rank

These Pokemon are strong choices in the metagame, but may suffer from inconsistency due to luck or matchup much moreso than the Pokemon in the Rank above. They have larger flaws or competition from other similar Pokemon which reduce their usefulness, but they're still considered metagame staples.

Arceus-Dark - sure
Arceus-Grass - other stuff checks ogre, latis hurt this quite a bit. check to grounds is nice, but defs got worse. either B+ or B
Clefable - yh sure, phys def checks latis too which is nice!
Deoxys-S - ugh, I guess
Excadrill - whynaut
Kangaskhan - yh
Metagross - doesnt seem gr8, but does well vs latis+xern which is nice
Scizor - fine for now, pursuit is nice but this doesnt seem that good
Tyranitar - yh, definitely good
Zekrom - life orb is an excellent stallbreaker, scarf a good revenge killer. 50//50's are annoying as ever tho, but a little less because xern is a bit less common. fine in here

Arceus-Ground - um w/e sure
Chansey - can we unban gengar please?
Ferrothorn - can go higher maybe, but is fine here
Forretress - this is ranked twice, it belongs in the higher rank
Heatran - C+
Jirachi - fine indeed
Quagsire - bad, basicly unviable. C is too generous, C-
Shaymin-S - fine
Skarmory - B-
Thundurus - C+
Victini - B-

Blissey - sure
Cloyster - sure
Greninja - sure
Hippodown - sure
Kyurem-W - this mon doesnt do anything, but sure
Lucario - sure
Whimsicott - this is not good, C+ is still somewhat generous
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> quagsire basically unviable.

Arceus-Ghost S -> A+
Blaziken - A+ -> A-
Arceus-Water A -> A-
Arceus-Fairy A- -> B+
Arceus-Poison A- -> B
Klefki A- -> A
Sylveon A- -> B+
Skarmory B -> B-
Thundurus B -> C+
Victini B -> B-
Whimsicott B- -> C+

Not Changed:
Arceus-Rock - I'm keeping this at A Rank atm, I feel that Ho-oh being S means that what it offers is really important in the meta, and it fits pretty well on full stall, which is definitely the direction the meta is sorta gravitating towards.
Genesect - Whilst the greater presence of Ho-oh is an issue, the ability to soft check a lot of mons on offensive teams [any dragons/fairy nearly, and other stuff like latis and darkrai], it means that against teams even that handle it well it can be threatening and let in a lot of frailer offensive threats. It seems crisp in this meta, but if others disagree I'll move it down. Voltturn seems to be the best way to go with a lot of offense actually :eek:
Heatran - I know it's a bit controversial to be a bit high, but I think it's a good meta call. Checking Ho-oh AND Stalltwo is pretty hot (although with SR being harder to keep up, Ho-oh can do a lot of that). However it also can check Mega Sableye AND Mega Diancie - both magic bouncers, due to the burn threat of lava plume, and the quadruple-effective flash cannon. Furthermore it can act as a phazer vs stall that isn't walled by ferro and spikes bait [e.g. giratina lugia palkia etc]. It also soft checks xern, and can soft check a lot of common CM arceuses, and stallbreaks well. That's why I rate it B rather than C+, it's a great stallbreaker that also checks a couple of S rank mons to an usable extent.

Changed in ways not suggested:
Quagsire - Hey this thing is bae. Basically a hard counter of ekiller + CM Eleceus + Mega Blaze, and a check to Zekrom, whilst also being able to check mega kang or all CM arceuses depending on what your team needs and EV spread. It does nothing to stall unfortunately. I'm agreeing ok it's not B rank material maybe but I'll put it in C+ since it niche counters a weird/useful mix of mons.


If only Violet Version was a server i could log onto ;[
Either way, I think Groudon being A- is a bit too low, I will see if or when I am able to play the tier.
Yeah I'm starting to get a feel that its a pretty great mon atm, checking ekiller, and setting rocks, and giving ho-oh and blaze sun, these are all cool traits. Maybe A rank might suit it better? Damn tho we need more fites =[
As a starting place for Hoopa-u I would put it at B+. Vs bulkier teams - being balance and stall - it can put in a ridiculous amounts of work but it held back because it's pretty mediocre vs offence because of its poor defensive typing, low defence stat and reasonably low speed meaning most offensive mons can just flat out ohko it. The reason I'm recommending B+ is because once it gets off a Nasty Plot stall has very limited switchins and with access to Psyshock special walls like blissey/chansey get bopped.

Regular Hoopa - Pretty much outclassed by Hoopa-Unbound stat wise so there isn't a whole lot of reason to use this but the one thing it does have is ghost typing, making it immune to extreme speed. So with a Scarf this thing could potentially put in some work, it still has a nice SpA stat and with immunity to the most common priority move which gives it an advantage as a scarfer over Hoopa-U. Scarf Hoopa could potentially check Ekiller with Focus Blast (It doesn't ohko but it does a nice chunk) and some other things. Recommending C+ for this.

Will edit/post again with some recommendations for other mons too in a bit
@ Ho-oh - Disagree with the idea of it in A+. Hazards are much easier to keep off than in XY, soul dew and magic bounce make sure of that. As far as I see it, Ho-oh *is* the metagame lol. But it both combines checking/countering various threats with really good offensive presence that no team can fully prevent the force of, as well as has the capacity to run a few different sets that are effective.
@ Dialga - Ok will move to A.
@ Gliscor - I'll put it A, big fan of how it holds up against Ho-oh though.
@ Kyogre - Okay I'll put it S just out of its sheer versatility, although I think lati@s make it quite manageable, it's a real big one to prepare for.
@ Darkrai - Ok will move to A+.
@ Groudon - Ok because of versatility will move to A+.
@ Aegislash - I disagree, pursuiting latis, answering xern very solidly (no subgeo to worry about, reflect is not that big of a deal), the ability to toxic ho-oh, check mewtwo (hates wisp and isn't too keen on fire blast) it just does a lot. It has more to work with than in XY, pursuiting latis being the biggest change for it. Reduction in stalltwo due to m-sab is in its favour too.
@ Rayquaza - Ok will move to A.
@ Arc-Ground - I guess, not a mon I really use. Will move to B+.
@ Arc-Poison - You've missed one or two key things actually. The absence of gothitelle is welcomed for CM sets, and in terms of the defog set, being Toxic-immune is really good, as it's much harder to wear down.
@ Sylveon - I'll put it C+ but the fact it beats all non-CM xern is actually pretty neat, and it does clerical duties really well.
@ Deo-d - C sure.
@ Arc-Fighting - would argue it being a good answer to both ekiller and darkrai in the same mon is enough to merit C. I would use it.
@ Arc-Psychic - sure C-.
@ Kabutops/Kingdra/Ludicolo/Omastar - Not really sold. Kingdra can't even break past ferro which sucks for a rain team, at least kabu can spin. Will put kabu to C+. And Ludi too. Oma to C sounds fine.
@ Loppunny - C sure.
@ Resh - I guess C is ok. Dragceus checks Kyogre tho, and has boosting moves.
@ terrak - when i see it work. For now it stays
Changes and Discussion Points

I'll implement on Monday, but you're free to discuss and disagree with and argue with and against and suggest of your own changes to the viability rankings, indeed this is welcomed.

Mewtwo Regular -> B
If you're using regular Mewtwo you're using one of either the LO variant or Stalltwo [Recover Wisp Taunt Psystrike]. LO Mewtwo is a slightly stronger version of Mewtwo Y that doesn't burn your mega slot (so for example, you could run a Magic Bouncer or Mega Blaze alongside) at the cost of being worn down easier. Stalltwo has suffered from Ho-oh being so dominant (since it does very little to it especially if it comes in for free, such as whenever it's not using its psystrike [i.e. ho-oh switches in on some other attack]) and it sucks vs M-sableye, making its balance-breaking abilities mediocre, whilst its lack fo Normal-resist makes it a less-valuable eiller set. Still, combined with to some degree the unpredictability and the raw power of the LO set, I feel it deserves B.
Latios -> A-
Controversial perhaps to split up the Lati twins, but the only real draws over Latias are Memento (which is actually pretty cool..) and being a more effectivel Calm Mind user, whilst it's a shakier check to Kyogre at best. Latias has Healing Wish and plain superior bulk, and is a uch better fit on Ho-oh teams.
Dialga -> A-
Pretty much all it does a good job of is setting Stealth Rocks and checking a couple of oddball mons for offense [Zekrom, Eleceus, softly checking any dragon type other than Rayquaza, ScarfOgre depending on Dialga Spread] but it's not very versatile, not hugely consistent (versus Sun builds you struggle getting rocks up due to Groudon) and it costs it a lot of EVs to break past M-Sableye that just hugely hurts its ability to take on other threats (namely Kyogre). Even though its movepool is cool, it really struggles to fit anything that varied on [Stealth Rock / Draco meteor / Fire Blast or Flash Cannon / Toxic or Thunder Wave is the set that it can run] and other Rockers provide more consistent utility in general. Still, a good and unique mon, so A-.
Giratina-O -> A-
Lati twins give it a bit of a push for a niche, in fact being a much worse answer to Kyogre (it'd never be your only Kyogre check on the team for example), with a worse base speed, its main advantages being its Ghost typing, letting it check Ekiller (and less importantly Spinblock), and it's much less pursuit weak (due to having the tools to mess with various trappers) whilst having a huge movepool and wide variety of tools, and the stats to just about back it up. Being able to lure various threats such as Ho-oh and Klefki with Stone Edge and Earthquake/HP Fire respectively is neat.
Blaziken (Mega) -> A
This mon's pretty heat. It's quite customisable and very powerful, not too difficult to set up, and offers a bit of synergy, being able to check Darkrai once something's been slept and potentially act as a revenge killer for a team. With Knock Off and Stone Edge it can get around common checks (though often Swords Dance, Protect, and 2 STABs is all it needs), and support form Lati@s (Memento or Healing Wish), Groudon (Sun), and there being a fair few options of mons to help break teams alongside it (Ekiller, SD Arc-Ghost, Rayquaza...) it's at least A-worthy imo. Maybe A+? Thoughts?
Deoxys-A -> B+
A stealth Rock setter is pretty ineffective, given how much it struggles with M-Sableye, but a Life Orb set can be pretty monstrous. It only gets B+ through its incredible breaking abilities, but maybe I'm underrating it?
Genesect -> A
One of the handful of steel-types that doesn't mind Ho-oh (due to its U-turn), it's a gerat pivot for Offense, with a stellar defensive typing, helping wtih Mewtwo, Ekiller, Rayquaza, Lati@s, and Xerneas (as well as other lesser threats), whilst supporting frailer but more powerful threats, such as Darkrai and Deoxys-A, helping them enter the battlefield. Good momentum stealer with usable bulk.
Mewtwo (Mega X) -> C+
It pretty much is only worth using for being able to take on Darkceus and Tyranitar, whilst all of Mewtwo's regular answers and then some handle it even better. Am I being too harsh though?
Excadrill -> B
It fills certain niches and is the most guarantee'd way to get your Rocks up if you really desperately need them, and it messes with Zekrom and Xerneas, and is okay with Sand support, but I feel it's too lackluster.
Hoopa-U -> B
Basically the scarfer that's the best possible answer to Mewtwo, pressures Arceus-Ghost, and has Trick to not be useless vs defensive stuff. It's too slow to realistically run any other set, unless you perhaps bring webs suport.
Metagross (Mega) -> C-
Has very little over say Aegislash, it takes up your mega slot, and its speed tier is too low.
Scizor (Regular) -> C
Without Geoxern around, CB's spectacular Xerneas revenge-killing abilities are much less in demand, it's pretty big Ho-oh bait, and Pursuit/Superpower are about the only reasons it's not wholly outclassed by Genesect. The Mega has Defog to work with more reliably at least.
Scizor ( Mega) -> C
Huge Ho-oh bait, and its main use is as a defogger that's fine vs Lati@s and checks Xerneas (lses usefully so without Geomancy around) and most of its partners to help with Ho-oh also make good defoggers (and in fact may do very little else).
Tyranitar (Regular) -> B-
It's a Stealth Rock setter that's horrific versus both the Magic Bouncers and Groudon, so really it's only useful for checking Mewtwo (carrying a chople berry), pursuit trapping Lati@s (and its conflicting weather with the main abuser of such a thing, Kyogre, is unwanted), and checking Arceus-Ghost, Darkrai (though it won't absorb the sleep), Ho-oh (but loses n the long term) and Yveltal. Sort of a slow utility catch-all that's useless in a lot of matchups.
Zekrom -> A
Good scarfer (the best Darkrai answer around I guess in a certain sense) with a great offensive typing, and versatility. LO and Sub+Hone Claws are pretty effective. Is A a little too high?
Heatran -> B+
Sets rocks vs both bouncers, and checks Ho-oh moderately well, whilst switching into Lati@s and Xerneas happily enough. Can be worn down over time and fills a fairly small role a lot of the time, but it's pretty solid.
Jirachi -> A-
Faces competition with Genesect and Aegislash. As a scarfer, healing wish sets it out above Genesect, but it doesn't check ekiller really, and is a lot weaker. As a defensive backbone, Wish, Stealth Rock (albeit it can't get it up vs M-Sab), U-turn and TWave all make it stand out instead of Aegislash, which isntead boasts Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, and Pursuit, making it a better check to Mewtwo, and being able to trap and remove Lati@s.
Ferrothorn -> B+
It can Spike but not get past magic bouncers [sab anyway, Diancie's fine..], but it checks quite a lot of mons. Pretty mediocre in the sun matchup (statusing Ho-oh and checking Lati@s is about its list of roles), but can otherwise be a pest.
Greninja -> C
Struggles to get hazards up versus m-sab I believe? And that's about all it has going for it.
Landorus-T -> A-
Checks Groudon, gets rocks up vs magic bouncers, has U-turn, checks ekiller, also is an okay scarfer. Pairs well with Palkia ;]

Not dealing with anything below B- Rank in this post as I have to go, but feel free to discuss them.

Up for Discussion too, please please talk about them!
Arceus-Rock - is it good enough for A? It answers a lot of the meta at least
Rayquaza - is it a good enough stallbreaker? Do other Pokémon give it too much competition?
Klefki - is it too easily worn down or lured?

And if you have any others you wish to bring up, please comment.
The viability rankings will be locked by October 19th. The council vote upon those Pokémon in B rank will happen commencing the 26th of October, and a thread for discussing these Pokémon will be put up on October the 19th.

I'll post a reminer on October 12th that the rankings will be locked on the 19th.

Once the council vote has completed, and the changes have been made official (and thus 2U formed), the viability rankings will be unlocked.
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Honestly I feel like Mega gyarados is better than C+ rank.
Mold breaker is a highly underrated ability, and lets Gyarados not only Taunt against Mega Sableye, but ignore the effects of things such as Sturdy, Unaware, and Water Absorb.
Gyarados also has more bulk than Mega sableye by a significant margin, as well as access to Dragon Dance and excellent dual STABs. Taunt/Waterfall/Crunch/DD provides perfect coverage vs. everything except like Whimsicott, and enough Attack to do some heavy damage without boosting. In addition, Intimidate in pre-mega provides even more physical damage mitigation, and the Flying/Dark type change creates mindgames with the opponent and stuff. Plus Mold Breaker ignores Multiscale too.

I can edit more things in later, but Mega gyarados is a fantastic stallbreaker and despite its stabs being piss-weak, it can still do some solid damage as well as take a hit or two with its ridiculous bulk.

Basically B- at least.
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