GSC OU The GSC Ruleset and Tiering Process


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I am extremely opposed to CurseLax and HP Electric bans as they're exactly the kind of complex bans that should be avoided where possible. We cannot afford to set a precedent for this kind of thing as it opens the potential for exceptionally complex and nitpicky banlists.

As for what you propose DA, I kinda suspect that's where we'll end up if we start with ubers and ban from there, but that's just theorymon and I feel that we really need to test this stuff before we know. Theorymon indicates that you've got a trio of Ho-oh/Celebi/Electrics checking each other yomi style, with other checks available that provide room for variance. The only concern there is that it could be a really stally meta as both Ho-oh and Celebi are pretty feeble offensively but juggernauts defensively

On that note, for those that didn't know I've begun forming a GSC tiering council, so I hope we can start converting these discussions into playtesting soon
If your answer is "we not do complex bans", i say this could be the best metagame possible speaking about centralization, and the fact that you usally don't do complex bans isn't a reason not to try them now.

No, but the same reasons we usually don't do complex bans (unintuitive, fiddly, anti-optimised) apply here.

Theorymon indicates that you've got a trio of Ho-oh/Celebi/Electrics checking each other yomi style, with other checks available that provide room for variance.

The hell is "yomi" just say RPS.
Yomi Layers <- also on this site, background information about the first competitive pokemon AI not made by nintendo, david stone (previously obi) is a legend/one of my few idols, and some C++ stuff if that's your sorta stuff. I've read everything not relating to the C++ at least like twice over. He's also infamous on smogon for a historic DPP stall team in the early DPP era (known as obistall).
for being such a follower of the sirlin train of thought im almost disappointed you dont know what yomi is

Understanding gained from my significant mathematical education and prodigal mathematical intuition doesn't magically give me the ability to know jargon from another language.

(Also, I learned it as scissors-paper-rock too. But the other order is the order of counters.)