Type: Water
Stats: 30 | 45 | 55 | 70 | 85
Staryu is a good all-around pokemon. It’s fast, has access to Thunder Wave and Recover, and has coverage alongside power. It's actually the best anti-water pokemon in the tier, due to its typing, speed, and moves, making it a good mon to pressure teams that over-use water types, and also teams that drop porygon. However, Staryu is quite frail, meaning it’s vulnerable to paralysis, and it has trouble pressuring pokemon such as Venomoth or Porygon that are on almost every team, meaning it's somehow inconsistent. It’s still a pokemon you can make good use of.
- Thunder Wave
- Recover
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
Set Details
Thunder Wave and Recover are part of the main reasons to run Staryu. Surf is your STAB to go against Nidoking, Fire types, and to hit the rest neutraly. Thunderbolt hits the Water types and Scyther. It notably gives you the ability to try and break Slowpoke with a nice 16.6% crit rate.
Other Options
Staryu has a bunch of other options but dropping one of the moves above isn't recommanded. Blizzard allows you to hit Tangela for some super effective damage but it means you have issues with Fire types since you’ll usually drop Surf for it. Psychic 3HKOs Venomoth and can cause some special drops but if you drop Surf you have the same issues as with Blizzard (except you’re Tangela bait) and if you drop Thunderbolt you lose to other Waters. Hydro Pump 3HKOs Venomoth and Porygon but isn’t reliable given its accuracy. Thunder 2HKOs Scyther (Thunderbolt only has 57.2% chance of doing so) and gives you the 3HKO on Omastar but is mediocre for the same reasons as Hydro Pump. You can try Light Screen and Reflect to compensate Staryu’s low bulk but they’re very poor given that the pokemon you use it against usually have a high crit rate.
Checks and Counters
If you’re using the standard set, Tangela is your worst enemy since it can use Stun Spore and Growth without fearing much. Venomoth doesn’t take a lot from Staryu, outspeeds and can paralyse and score special drops. Unparalysed Porygon can easily come in, Thunder Wave, and 2HKO. It has to be careful if it’s paralysed though. Be aware that both of these pokemon don't like paralysis. Abra has a very high chance of 2HKOing but hates paralysis. Same goes with Scyther. It 2HKOs or OHKOs with +2 Hyper Beam but unlike Abra it can’t paralyse Staryu. Weepinbell isn’t a common sight and also hates Thunder Wave but takes very few damage and OHKOs with a Razor Leaf critical hit. If Staryu is paralysed, then you have more options to pressure it. A good way to do it is through Blastoise by using Body Slam every time you think your opponent will go to Staryu. Once it’s paralysed, Nidoking 2HKOs even if it takes a chunk in the process, Rapidash and Arcanine can 2HKO about half the time with Body Slam + Hyper Beam but also get hurt. Note that those mons can also go one on one if you’re desperate. Finally, the electric types Electrode and Magneton or your own Staryu can be used.

Type: Water
Stats: 30 | 45 | 55 | 70 | 85
Staryu is a good all-around pokemon. It’s fast, has access to Thunder Wave and Recover, and has coverage alongside power. It's actually the best anti-water pokemon in the tier, due to its typing, speed, and moves, making it a good mon to pressure teams that over-use water types, and also teams that drop porygon. However, Staryu is quite frail, meaning it’s vulnerable to paralysis, and it has trouble pressuring pokemon such as Venomoth or Porygon that are on almost every team, meaning it's somehow inconsistent. It’s still a pokemon you can make good use of.
- Thunder Wave
- Recover
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
Set Details
Thunder Wave and Recover are part of the main reasons to run Staryu. Surf is your STAB to go against Nidoking, Fire types, and to hit the rest neutraly. Thunderbolt hits the Water types and Scyther. It notably gives you the ability to try and break Slowpoke with a nice 16.6% crit rate.
Other Options
Staryu has a bunch of other options but dropping one of the moves above isn't recommanded. Blizzard allows you to hit Tangela for some super effective damage but it means you have issues with Fire types since you’ll usually drop Surf for it. Psychic 3HKOs Venomoth and can cause some special drops but if you drop Surf you have the same issues as with Blizzard (except you’re Tangela bait) and if you drop Thunderbolt you lose to other Waters. Hydro Pump 3HKOs Venomoth and Porygon but isn’t reliable given its accuracy. Thunder 2HKOs Scyther (Thunderbolt only has 57.2% chance of doing so) and gives you the 3HKO on Omastar but is mediocre for the same reasons as Hydro Pump. You can try Light Screen and Reflect to compensate Staryu’s low bulk but they’re very poor given that the pokemon you use it against usually have a high crit rate.
Checks and Counters
If you’re using the standard set, Tangela is your worst enemy since it can use Stun Spore and Growth without fearing much. Venomoth doesn’t take a lot from Staryu, outspeeds and can paralyse and score special drops. Unparalysed Porygon can easily come in, Thunder Wave, and 2HKO. It has to be careful if it’s paralysed though. Be aware that both of these pokemon don't like paralysis. Abra has a very high chance of 2HKOing but hates paralysis. Same goes with Scyther. It 2HKOs or OHKOs with +2 Hyper Beam but unlike Abra it can’t paralyse Staryu. Weepinbell isn’t a common sight and also hates Thunder Wave but takes very few damage and OHKOs with a Razor Leaf critical hit. If Staryu is paralysed, then you have more options to pressure it. A good way to do it is through Blastoise by using Body Slam every time you think your opponent will go to Staryu. Once it’s paralysed, Nidoking 2HKOs even if it takes a chunk in the process, Rapidash and Arcanine can 2HKO about half the time with Body Slam + Hyper Beam but also get hurt. Note that those mons can also go one on one if you’re desperate. Finally, the electric types Electrode and Magneton or your own Staryu can be used.
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