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RBY OU Slowbro [Done]

Discussion in 'Analyses' started by Disaster Area, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. Disaster Area

    Disaster Area Little Ball of Furr and Power Member

    May 4, 2014
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    Slowbro [​IMG]
    Type: Water / Psychic
    Stats: 95 | 75 | 110 | 80 | 30


    Slowbro is a fairly common Pokémon in the RBY OU tier. It has great bulk, a useful typing, and an incredible boosting move in Amnesia. Slowbro's low Speed and weaknesses to Grass and Electric are exploitable, but in spite of this it has many positive traits. Slowbro often forces the opponent to explode, sacrificing their Pokémon to KO Slowbro or allow it to be revenge killed by Tauros. Even though Slowbro has shortcomings as a sweeper, it is one of the best paralysis-spreaders, as it is able to lure in Pokemon such as Starmie and Chansey and paralyze them, assisting its teammates in breaking through the opponent's team.



    - Amnesia
    - Rest
    - Thunder Wave
    - Surf / Psychic

    Set Details

    This set is named after Toby Martin, the founder of Azure Heights, who originally created the set as a 'counter' to Mewtwo, having used Surf as its primary attack. Amnesia boosts Slowbro's Special by 2 stages, making it threatening very quickly. Rest provides Slowbro with a form of recovery, and Thunder Wave allows Slowbro to cripple foes and support the team by spreading status. Psychic and Surf are Slowbro's two attacking options. While Psychic is resisted by Alakazam and Starmie, it is the best move to break through the latter and Chansey. This is due in particular to a peculiar RBY mechanic described here, which allows Slowbro to break through and avoid being stalled by the opposing Pokémon. Amnesia is affected by the mechanic too, but since it can only be used to lower the opponent's speed when Slowbro is not yet fully boosted, that limits the amount that Slowbro can reduce the opponent's Speed with Amnesia alone. Surf is notable for allowing Slowbro to beat Rhydon 1v1, as it's 3HKOed by Rhydon's Earthquake, and Slowbro cannot OHKO Rhydon with +2 Psychic or 2HKO it at +0, whereas Surf OHKOs it, even when unboosted. Also, Surf has a chance of OHKOing Alakazam when Slowbro is fully boosted, and gives it a higher chance of OHKOing Tauros at +4 (~69%) than Psychic offers (~36%).

    Slow teammates, such as Golem, Rhydon, Victreebel, and Snorlax, all benefit from Slowbro's paralysis support. Gengar makes for a good choice of a lead to pair Slowbro with to prevent Victreebel steam-rolling over the team, particularly if your team has both Slowbro and Golem or Rhydon.

    Other Options

    Withdraw is a rarely-seen option, most infamously run by magic9mushroom over Thunder Wave. m9mbro requires being babied rather than supporting the team, and should be treated as only a sweeper rather than also a team-supporter. This set makes it invulnerable, bar critical hits,, however it is difficult to successfully set up. It wins PP wars between itself and other Slowbros too, albeit those don't happen especially often. Ice Beam is an option to hit Exeggutor, and to win in Slowbro vs Slowbro matchups due to Ice Beam's freeze chance, but it is otherwise an inferior option; however, it does see occasional use in tournament match-ups versus certain opponents whose teams are more vulnerable to it. Reflect is similar to Withdraw, but boosts its defense more after a single use. Because it has less PP than Withdraw, it doesn't give it an advantage versus other Slowbro, and of course Withdraw enables it to boost its Defense by several stages whilst Reflect can only provide a single boost, doubling Slowbro's Defense. Counter is a mediocre option, as, unlike the most infamous of Counter users, Chansey and Snorlax, it has merely decent HP and good Defense, rather than a huge HP stat. However, even frailer Pokémon such as Gengar have been seen making use of Counter and its peculiar properties in certain situations. So, while situational, Counter could be potentially useful in some obscure situations. Substitute can help prevent against critical hits once set up, but is an expensive use of a moveslot, thus making it a very poor option.

    Checks and Counters

    Victreebel and the even more rarely-seen Venusaur are the most notorious answers to Slowbro, with Razor Leaf always resulting in a critical hit and 2HKOing Slowbro. They are somewhat afraid of Slowbro's Psychic, which can OHKO after an Amnesia boost, but they can handle Surf easily, and can force Slowbro out after it uses rest. Otherwise, using Pokemon with Electric-type attacks help to prevent Slowbro setting up for free, such as Thunderbolt Starmie, Lapras, and Chansey. Pokemon that can explode or 3HKO it such as Snorlax, Exeggutor, Golem, and Rhydon, which can 3HKO Slowbro with Earthquake, can also act as checks. The rarely-seen Leech Seed Exeggutor is a great check to Slowbro and makes stalling it out generally easier alongside Pokemon such as Starmie and Chansey. Jolteon and Zapdos in particular make it hard for Slowbro to set up; their high critical hit rates and STAB Electric-type attacks make sure of that. However, they do take a lot of damage from Slowbro's attacks, and Slowbro is sometimes paired with Rhydon or Golem, limiting their usefulness against Slowbro to forcing it out (which is certainly still useful). Persian can try to critical hit through it when it's asleep with Thunderbolt combined with its high speed and hence high critical hit rate, but it is not reliable. Finally, although it is virtually never seen, it is worth being aware that Alakazam with Kinesis can cause Slowbro problems - although Surf Slowbro is likely to be able to break through it, it's unlikely to be able to sweep afterwards, whilst Psychic Slowbro might not even be able to break the Alakazam.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2018
  2. Mister Tim

    Mister Tim The most handsome man on PP Host Emeritus

    May 3, 2014
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    You need to at smth like "How to Slowbro", where you can write that you need to use Slowbro not as last mon coz you need to get sleep on other and try to avoid freeze on bro
  3. Ortheore

    Ortheore Host Emeritus

    May 16, 2013
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    This may be really kooky but I've seen Sub Bro before. It's not a great option, but there is some reasoning to it as after a boost Star/Chansey fail to break its subs so it can set up while having some insurance against crits.

    For real tho it looks good, nice work
    Disaster Area likes this.
  4. Disaster Area

    Disaster Area Little Ball of Furr and Power Member

    May 4, 2014
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    edited in a lil comment about sub bro. ty
  5. AllAttack

    AllAttack Member

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Slowbro [​IMG]
    Type: Water / Psychic
    Stats: 95 | 75 | 110 | 80 | 30


    Slowbro is a fairly common sight Pokémon in the RBY OU tier. It has great bulk, a useful typing, and an incredible boosting move in Amnesia. Its Slowbro's low speed and weaknesses to Grass and Electric are exploitable, but by no means is it a bad Pokemon. Often it forces the opponent to, for example, explode on it, in order to force it out at low health or whilst asleep, or otherwise KO it or damage it enough to be revenge killed safely (This sentence feels quite clunky and it's hard to understand what you mean, perhaps rephrase??). Whilst it Slowbro has shortcomings as a sweeper, it is one of the best paralysis-spreaders, being able to lure in Pokemon such as Starmie and Chansey and paralyze them, assisting its teammates in breaking through the opponent's team.



    - Amnesia
    - Rest
    - Thunder Wave
    - Psychic / Surf

    Set Details

    This set is Nnamed after Toby Martin, the founder of azure heights, who originally created the set as a 'counter' to Mewtwo (using Surf as its primary attack). Amnesia boosts Slowbro's Special by 2 stages, making it you (Referring to Slowbro, not the player) threatening very quickly. Rest provides Slowbro you with staying power a form of recovery, and Thunder Wave allows you to cripple your opponents foes and support the team by spreading status. Both Psychic and Surf are your two attacking options. Whilst Psychic is resisted by Alakazam and Starmie, it is the best move to break through Starmie the latter and Chansey. Due to a peculiar RBY bug described here Psychic has an even greater advantage, as versus practically any paralyzed opponent is it able to break through and avoid being stalled through getting special drops with Psychic (Again, the structure seems a bit nonexistent, and it's hard to understand, try rephrasing). Surf is only notable for allowing it Slowbro to beat Rhydon 1v1, as it's 3HKOd by its earthquake and cannot OHKO with +2 Psychic or 2HKO at +0, whereas Surf can achieve these things. (If Psychic is this much better, then perhaps you should write that when comparing moves)

    Slow teammates, such as Golem, Rhydon, and Snorlax all benefit from its Slowbro's P paralysis support. Victreebel enjoys Slowbro being able to paralyze Starmie too. Gengar makes a good choice of lead to pair with it to prevent Victreebel steam-rolling over the team, particularly if you fit both Slowbro and Golem or Rhydon.

    Other Options

    Withdraw is a rarely-seen option, most infamously run by magic9mushroom, over Thunder Wave. m9mbro requires being babied rather than supporting the team, as a sweeper, rather than also a team-supporter. It makes it This set makes it invulnerable, bar critical hits, (due to (state how or what), if it can set up, but that is the challenge of using it. It wins PP wars between Slowbros too, albeit those don't happen especially often. Ice Beam is an option to smack hit Exeggutor, and to win in Slowbro vs Slowbro matchups (how does this help??), but is generally otherwise an inferior option - however it does see occasional use in tournament matchups versus certain opponents who are more vulnerable to it. Counter is a mediocre option as, unlike the most infamous of Counter users - Chansey and Snorlax - it has mediocre decent HP and good Defense, rather than a huge HP stat. However, even frailer Pokémon such as Gengar has been seen making use of Counter and its peculiar properties in certain situations scenarios, so, whilst situational, it could be potentially useful in some obscure situation position. Substitute can help prevent against critical hits once set up, but is an expensive use of a moveslot, thus making it a very poor option.

    Checks and Counters

    Victreebel is the most notorious (and similarly Venusaur) counter with Razor Leaf 2HKOing Slowbro - and with it always critical hitting, it neglects Razor Leaf ignores Amnesia's boosts. Otherwise, using Pokemon with Electric-type attacks - helping to prevent preventing it Slowbro setting up for free, such as Thunderbolt Starmie, Lapras, and Chansey, and. Pokemon that can explode or 3HKO it - Snorlax, Exeggutor, Golem, Rhydon (3HKOs with Earthquake) can also act as provide checks. The rare Leech Seed Exeggutor is a great check to it and makes stalling it out generally easier, alongside Pokemon such as Starmie and Chansey. Jolteon and Zapdos in particular make it hard for Slowbro to set up - their high critical hit rates and STAB Electric attacks make sure of that - but Golem and Rhydon being common partners to Slowbro means their usefulness is generally limited in that matchup.

    This is just an AM check so don't be inclined to implement it at all, I'm a friend of piex ha
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2015
    eden and Disaster Area like this.
  6. Rhythms

    Rhythms wtf i can do this here Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    AllAttack add / remove / comment
    Rhythms add / remove / comment / no implemento

    Slowbro [​IMG]
    Type: Water / Psychic
    Stats: 95 | 75 | 110 | 80 | 30


    Slowbro is a fairly common sight Pokémon in the RBY OU tier. It has great bulk, a useful typing, and an incredible boosting move in Amnesia. Its Slowbro's low speed Speed and weaknesses to Grass and Electric are exploitable, but by no means is it a bad Pokemon. Often it Slowbro often forces the opponent to, for example, explode on it, in order to force it out at low health or whilst asleep, or otherwise KO it or damage it enough or KO it to be revenge killed safely (This sentence feels quite clunky and it's hard to understand what you mean, perhaps rephrase??). Whilst Even though it Slowbro has shortcomings as a sweeper, it is one of the best paralysis-spreaders, being as it is able to lure in Pokemon such as Starmie and Chansey and paralyze them, assisting its teammates in breaking through the opponent's team.



    - Amnesia
    - Rest
    - Thunder Wave
    - Psychic / Surf

    Set Details

    This set is Nnamed after Toby Martin, the founder of azure heights, who originally created the set as a 'counter' to Mewtwo (using Surf as its primary attack). Amnesia boosts Slowbro's Special by 2 stages, making it you (Referring to Slowbro, not the player) threatening very quickly. Rest provides Slowbro you with staying power a form of recovery, and Thunder Wave allows you Slowbro to cripple your opponents foes and support the team by spreading status. Both Psychic and Surf are your Slowbro's two attacking options. Whilst While Psychic is resisted by Alakazam and Starmie, it is the best move to break through Starmie the latter and Chansey. Due to a peculiar RBY bug described here, (AC) Psychic has an even greater advantage, as it's able to break through and avoid being stalled through getting special drops with Psychic versus practically almost any paralyzed foe opponent is it able to break through and avoid being stalled through getting special drops with Psychic. Surf is only notable for allowing it Slowbro to beat Rhydon 1v1, as it's 3HKOd 3HKOed by its earthquake Rhydon's Earthquake, (AC) and Slowbro cannot OHKO Rhydon with +2 Psychic or 2HKO it at +0, whereas Surf can achieve these things. (If Psychic is this much better, then perhaps you should write that when comparing moves)

    Slow teammates, such as Golem, Rhydon, and Snorlax, (AC) all benefit from its Slowbro's P paralysis support. Victreebel enjoys Slowbro being able Slowbro's ability to paralyze Starmie too. Gengar makes for a good choice of a lead to pair with it Slowbro with to prevent Victreebel from steam-rolling over the team, particularly if you fit your team has both Slowbro and Golem or Rhydon.

    Other Options

    Withdraw is a rarely-seen option, most infamously run by magic9mushroom, over Thunder Wave. m9mbro requires being babied rather than supporting the team, as a sweeper, rather than also a team-supporter. It makes it This set makes it invulnerable, bar critical hits, (due to (state how or what)), (RC) if it can set up, but that is the challenge of using it. It wins PP wars between other Slowbro Slowbros too, albeit those don't happen especially often. Ice Beam is an option to smack hit Exeggutor, and to win in Slowbro vs Slowbro matchups (how does this help??), but it is generally otherwise an inferior option; (Add Semicolon) - (remove hyphen) however, (AC) it does see occasional use in tournament match(add hyphen here)ups versus certain opponents who whose teams are more vulnerable to it. Counter is a mediocre option, (AC) as, unlike the most infamous of Counter users, (AC) - (remove hyphen) such as Chansey and Snorlax, (AC) - (Remove Hyphen) it has mediocre decent HP and good Defense, rather than a huge HP stat. However, even frailer Pokémon such as Gengar has have been seen making use of Counter and its peculiar properties in certain situations scenarios (keep "situations"). (Add Period), (RC) so So, whilst while situational, it Counter could be potentially useful in some obscure situation position (keep "situation"; Change "Situation" into "situations"). Substitute can help prevent against critical hits once set up, but is an expensive use of a moveslot, thus making it a very poor option.

    Checks and Counters

    Victreebel is the most notorious (and similarly Venusaur) counter with Razor Leaf always resulting in a critical hit and 2HKOing Slowbro - (remove hyphen) and with it always critical hitting, it neglects and Razor Leaf ignores Amnesia's boosts. Otherwise, using Pokemon with Electric-type attacks - (remove) helping to prevent preventing it Slowbro setting up for free, such as Thunderbolt Starmie, Lapras, and Chansey, and. Pokemon that can explode or 3HKO it - (no) such as Snorlax, Exeggutor, Golem, Rhydon, (AC) which 3HKOes with Earthquake (3HKOs with Earthquake) can also act as provide checks. The rare Leech Seed Exeggutor is a great check to it Slowbro and makes stalling it out generally easier, alongside Pokemon such as Starmie and Chansey. Jolteon and Zapdos in particular make it hard for Slowbro to set up; (replace hyphen with semicolon) their high critical hit rates and STAB Electric-type attacks make sure of that; (hyphen -> semicolon) but Golem and Rhydon being common partners to Slowbro means their usefulness is generally limited in that matchup.

    GP 1/2

    @AllAttack PLEASE look over my changes, they will help you improve.
    AllAttack and Disaster Area like this.
  7. Disaster Area

    Disaster Area Little Ball of Furr and Power Member

    May 4, 2014
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  8. Peef Rimgar

    Peef Rimgar True love Member

    Jun 12, 2015
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    @Rhythms be gentile (altho you helped me so you probs agree with most of this check)

    AM Check
    Add / Remove / Comment
    Slowbro [​IMG]
    Type: Water / Psychic
    Stats: 95 | 75 | 110 | 80 | 30


    Slowbro is a fairly common Pokémon in the RBY OU tier. It has great bulk, a useful typing, and an incredible boosting move in Amnesia. Slowbro's low Speed and weaknesses to Grass and Electric are exploitable, but by no means is it a bad Pokémon (I don't understand what the end of this statement is doing. Slowbro is B-rank in 1U and you're making it sound like an underrated threat or something). Slowbro often forces the opponent to explode on it, sacrificing their Pokémon to KO Slowbro or allow it to be revenge killed by Tauros. Even though Slowbro has shortcomings as a sweeper, it is one of the best paralysis-spreaders, as it is able to lure in Pokemon such as Starmie and Chansey and paralyze them, assisting its teammates in breaking through the opponent's team.



    - Amnesia
    - Rest
    - Thunder Wave
    - Psychic / Surf

    Set Details

    This set is named after Toby Martin, the founder of aAzure hHeights (felt awkward not capitalized, as it's the name of the organization) , who originally created the set as a 'counter' to Mewtwo, (AC) (having used using Surf as its primary attack). Amnesia boosts Slowbro's Special by 2 stages, making it threatening very quickly. Rest provides Slowbro with a form of recovery, and Thunder Wave allows Slowbro to cripple foes and support the team by spreading status. Psychic and Surf are Slowbro's two attacking options. While Psychic is resisted by Alakazam and Starmie, it is the best move to break through the latter and Chansey. Due to a peculiar RBY bug described here, Psychic has an even greater advantage, as it's able to break through and avoid being stalled through getting sSpecial drops with Psychic versus almost any paralyzed foe. (This sentence entirely is worded very awkwardly, and probably needs a total rephrase) Surf is notable for allowing Slowbro to beat Rhydon 1v1, as it's 3HKOed by Rhydon's Earthquake, and Slowbro cannot OHKO Rhydon with +2 Psychic or 2HKO it at +0, whereas Surf can. Surf comes close to OHKOing Alakazam when Slowbro is fully boosted, being its other advantage

    Slow teammates, such as Golem, Rhydon, and Snorlax, and Victreebel especially all benefit from Slowbro's paralysis support. Victreebel enjoys Slowbro's ability to paralyze Starmie too in particular. Gengar makes for a good choice of a lead to pair (spacerino) Slowbro with to prevent Victreebel steam-rolling over the team, particularly if your team has both Slowbro and Golem or Rhydon.

    Other Options

    Withdraw is a rarely-seen option, most infamously run by magic9mushroom, (Remove Comma) over Thunder Wave. m9mbro requires being babied rather than supporting the team, and should be treated as only a sweeper, (Remove Comma) rather than also a team-supporter. This set makes it invulnerable, bar critical hits, if it can set up, but that is the challenge of using it. It wins PP wars between itself and other Slowbros too, albeit those don't happen especially often. Ice Beam is an option to hit Exeggutor, and to win in Slowbro vs Slowbro matchups, (Remove Comma) due to Ice Beam's freeze chance, but it is generally otherwise an inferior option; however, it does see occasional use in tournament match-ups versus certain opponents whose teams are more vulnerable to it. Counter is a mediocre option, as, unlike the most infamous of Counter users, Chansey and Snorlax, it has merely decent HP and good Defense, rather than a huge HP stat. However, even frailer Pokémon such as Gengar have been seen making use of Counter and its peculiar properties in certain situations. So, while situational, Counter could be potentially useful in some obscure situations. Substitute can help prevent against critical hits once set up, but is an expensive use of a moveslot, thus making it a very poor option.

    Checks and Counters

    Victreebel and the even more rarely-seen Venusaur is are the most notorious counters, (AC) with Razor Leaf always resulting in a critical hit and 2HKOing Slowbro, because Razor Leaf ignores Amnesia's boosts. Otherwise, using Pokemon with Electric-type attacks help to prevent Slowbro setting up for free, such as Thunderbolt Starmie, Lapras, and Chansey. Pokemon that can explode or 3HKO it such as Snorlax, Exeggutor, Golem, and Rhydon, which can 3HKO Slowbro with Earthquake, can also act as checks. The rarely-seen Leech Seed Exeggutor is a great check to Slowbro and makes stalling it out generally easier, (Remove Comma) alongside Pokemon such as Starmie and Chansey. Jolteon and Zapdos in particular make it hard for Slowbro to set up; their high critical hit rates and STAB Electric-type attacks make sure of that. However, Golem and Rhydon being common partners to Slowbro means their usefulness is generally limited in that matchup.
    Disaster Area likes this.
  9. Disaster Area

    Disaster Area Little Ball of Furr and Power Member

    May 4, 2014
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    will implement if/when Rhythms approves it. Gj
  10. magic9mushroom

    magic9mushroom BEST END. Member

    May 1, 2013
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    Oh hey, I'm internet-famous. I will note though that that particular team is very much an old-meta team and would require a major overhaul to use in the new meta (lack of Tauros has gone from edgy to crippling, and it always had issues with being overly defensive around Electrics which are now more common).

    1) Okay, I get that special drops activate the para/burn bug, but doesn't Amnesia also activate the para/burn bug? Shouldn't the bug be mentioned more prominently, therefore, than just in the "which STAB to use" section?

    2) Saying that "Slowbro cannot OHKO Rhydon with +2 Psychic or 2HKO it at +0, whereas Surf can" implies that Surf 2HKOs at +0 and only OHKOs at +2. However, Slowbro's Surf receives STAB and as such, despite its low Special:

    Slowbro Surf vs. Rhydon: 561 - 660 (135.8 - 159.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

    3) You say that Surf merely "comes close to OHKOing" Alakazam at +6, when in fact:

    +6 Slowbro Surf vs. Alakazam: 276 - 325 (88.2 - 103.8%) -- 25.6% chance to OHKO

    4) Speaking of Alakazam, Kinesis Alakazam should be mentioned in Checks and Counters. Psychic Slowbro is pretty much walled. Surf Slowbro is a different kettle of fish, because it threatens Zam at +2 and, as I said above, threatens an outright OHKO at +6, but the sabotage still sticks with it after Zam's gone and makes a sweep much less feasible.
    Disaster Area likes this.
  11. Enigami

    Enigami Moderator

    Apr 24, 2015
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    "Victreebel and the even more rarely-seen Venusaur is the most notorious counter with Razor Leaf always resulting in a critical hit and 2HKOing Slowbro, because Razor Leaf ignores Amnesia's boosts."

    They're very strong checks, but not counters. A counter is something that can switch into and beat all typical sets run by the Pokemon in question.

    Victreebel/Venusaur Razor Leaf vs. Slowbro on a critical hit: 270-318 (68.7 - 80.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
    +2 Slowbro Psychic vs. Venusaur: 338-398 (93.1 - 109.6%) -- 59% chance to OHKO

    +2 Psychic has a 3/5 chance to OHKO Victreebel and Venusaur, so while they do a lot of damage, a healthy Slowbro has the advantage unless they can put Slowbro to sleep.
    Disaster Area likes this.
  12. magic9mushroom

    magic9mushroom BEST END. Member

    May 1, 2013
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    Victreebel does counter Surf Slowbro, though it's still practically a trade if it's Wrap Bel.

    The real threat is that because it's a 2HKO, Victreebel comes in for free and forces Slowbro out the moment it Rests, and there's nothing the Slowbro player can do about it.
    Disaster Area likes this.
  13. Disaster Area

    Disaster Area Little Ball of Furr and Power Member

    May 4, 2014
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    Comments all implemented, GP Check implemented.

    Locking; if anyone has any comments on this thread, please vm or pm the writer.
  14. Heroic Troller

    Heroic Troller From Marcoasd's DNA Member

    Sep 24, 2014
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    Bold parts should be deleted, not only Rock+Slowbro teams are not a thing outside Stadium OU, but Zam........
  15. Disaster Area

    Disaster Area Little Ball of Furr and Power Member

    May 4, 2014
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    I think they can be kept but edited to make it clear that:
    Rock+Slowbro is very rare
    Kinesis Zam is never seen but worth being aware of
  16. Disaster Area

    Disaster Area Little Ball of Furr and Power Member

    May 4, 2014
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    the new passage
  17. Heroic Troller

    Heroic Troller From Marcoasd's DNA Member

    Sep 24, 2014
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    Slowbro is not "sometimes" paired with Rhydon, it does not pair, ever.
    After two years+ of rby i can say: i never faced one single Bro+Rock team, same for Kinesis Alakazam. At that point you can say how Electabuzz checks too but it makes no sense to me as you won't ever seen an Electabuzz, nor Rhydon+Slowbro or Kinesis Alakazam.

    You should rather put Persian as a check for the Tbolt crit during sleep turns but please don't insist with unreal stuff
  18. Disaster Area

    Disaster Area Little Ball of Furr and Power Member

    May 4, 2014
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    Sceptross informs me he still uses it (bro+rocks).

    Persian tbolt crits are a good idea to mention
  19. marcoasd

    marcoasd P.I.P. PLAY IN PEACE Host Emeritus

    Jul 17, 2013
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    With all due respect, why not sticking to the standard? Getting a bit too fancy IMO...
  20. Ortheore

    Ortheore Host Emeritus

    May 16, 2013
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    Yeah I'm confused by saying Bro+Rock isn't a thing, I regularly bring it to tour matches and I also think they work pretty well together (one of the few cores where I actually like Rhydon), as the Rock beats up Chansey and covers Electrics that threaten Bro while the Rock benefits from Bro's para spreading.

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