I think Mag and Weezing ought to be C, for reasons mentioned in my previous post.
Machoke I continue to have deep reservations about. Not only is it objectively inferior to machamp but if you want a second fighting type you also have to justify using it over Hitmonlee. Machoke is imo too slow and not powerful enough to be worth using most of the time (maybe if it got HB, but it doesn't). Granted, I haven't actually used it recently but tbh I don't think it's significantly better than Dratini. I'd say D, but maybe someone who's used it recently will be better positioned to comment on it.
I really think Pikachu and Ponyta stand out from the rest. As things stand now they're the members of C that I'd vote for, but to me they don't even feel like niche options I honestly feel more comfortable using them than I do say, Onix. Imo they're B-worthy but I'm not super fussed over it. Alternatively, Onix could drop, since it doesn't have a role outside the lead position where it faces a fair amount of competition. Also lack of status sucks.
Also Eni, another advantage of Sludge is hitting Fire types, mainly Flareon. HB is probably still better but I felt like pointing that out