RBY 6U RBY 6A Viability Rankings


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What are everyone's thoughts on Weezing and Magneton?

I'm starting to feel they're significantly better than everything else in D, and on par with the NFE waters of C. Magneton is obviously heavily matchup dependent, but it's far from guaranteed that a Ground will be around and even if there is one, it's more than possible to take it out early on (admittedly this isn't consistent). Once Grounds are removed though? Magneton rips the tier to shreds. Electric is an insanely good attacking type, while Magneton's BST is amazing.

As for Weezing, its nemeses are Onix and Machamp. Onix walls it while it lacks the raw power to significantly harm Machamp. Only issue there is Machamp is easily the best Explosion target in the tier. Otherwise its attacking tools are incredible, as almost everything that's hit neutrally by its coverage options is frail as hell. Fire Blast and Thunderbolt really drive the set, they're capable of doing a lot of damage and are a good part of the reason why I think Weezing is significantly better at running its set than Muk as its Special is 20 base points higher. Although it's definitely a more offensively inclined pokemon, it's not without defensive utility either thanks to its ability to tank neutral physical hits.
Not sure where Weezing and Magneton belong on the C/D line, so no preference. I need more games with/against them.

For Weezing, Machamp and Onix aren't even terrible matchups. Onix's terrible special means it is still 4HKO'd by Fire Blast which means Weezing can wear it down and a burn leaves Onix with absolutely no attack power, and Machamp loses the 1v1 if Weezing is fortunate enough to get a turn 1 burn.
Well guys since Ortheore suggested to vote for the tier I'd suggest having a last debate on those ranks.

I really haven't been invested in this tier so I will trust people who have been playing it for the past weeks, my opinion is that S through B are pretty much fine, but C & D could be solved so discussion is open. Maybe some C ranks could move up to B as well ?
Played a few games of Weezing to get a feel for it and I think can be raised to C now. Onix is annoying for it, but otherwise it isn't terribly hard for it to trade up. While Muk can run the same Boltblast + HB + Boom set (my preferred set for Weezing, as Sludge only helps against Butterfree which is beaten anyway by a Boltblast combo), outspeeding Machamp and Weepinbell and having greater Special power is significant enough for me to believe it should be bumped up.
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I think Mag and Weezing ought to be C, for reasons mentioned in my previous post.

Machoke I continue to have deep reservations about. Not only is it objectively inferior to machamp but if you want a second fighting type you also have to justify using it over Hitmonlee. Machoke is imo too slow and not powerful enough to be worth using most of the time (maybe if it got HB, but it doesn't). Granted, I haven't actually used it recently but tbh I don't think it's significantly better than Dratini. I'd say D, but maybe someone who's used it recently will be better positioned to comment on it.

I really think Pikachu and Ponyta stand out from the rest. As things stand now they're the members of C that I'd vote for, but to me they don't even feel like niche options I honestly feel more comfortable using them than I do say, Onix. Imo they're B-worthy but I'm not super fussed over it. Alternatively, Onix could drop, since it doesn't have a role outside the lead position where it faces a fair amount of competition. Also lack of status sucks.

Also Eni, another advantage of Sludge is hitting Fire types, mainly Flareon. HB is probably still better but I felt like pointing that out
Oh, right, forgot about Flareon, I keep forgetting that's in the tier. I barely ever see anyone using that, seems like Ponyta is everyone's go-to Fire-type right now. Sludge is a 4HKO, and Thunderbolt > Thunderbolt > Thunderbolt > Hyper Beam has somewhere like a 2/3-ish chance to 4HKO, so it isn't a huge gain, though doing more chip faster and discouraging Flareon from switching in to begin with helps. Ponyta though is reliably 3HKO'd either with Sludge or Thunderbolt > Thunderbolt > Hyper Beam, so that isn't a terribly relevant matchup. Hyper Beam also provides a means to more reliably 2HKO Pikachu, which Weezing is pretty good at checking, and gives it 1/3 chance to straight up OHKO Diglett.
I'll move Mag and Weezing up to C then

As for Machoke it is indeed kinda hard to justifiy it over Hitmonlee but I'd go with physical bulk and eq so that it isn't walled by poison types ? I will leave it in C for the time being because it still seems better than D ranks... It will still be voted on for the tier so I'd say it's fine for now

The possibility of Onix dropping is important though because it means it will get voted on (although if it's a close call between B or C it means it will probably be in the tier but still you get my point), don't hesitate to voice your opinion on that, and on everything else


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In all honesty I'm not a fan of it, and my memories of my matches where Enigami used it, it wasn't all that impactful. I mean I guess D could work, but it's not something I support. Its typing limits it a lot, as its attacks lack power against neutral targets and Butterfree and EQ users hitting it sucks