With the vote on 5U concluded, it is now time to turn our sights to 6U! Or rather, 6A, since the tier is brand new. Detailed below is a full list of our RBY tiers, with every listed pokemon being banned from 6A. As the tier is brand new, feel free to post theorymon about what will be good. As things develop, feel free to post about trends, potential suspects, really anything that you feel is interesting about the tier.
Orth's Theorymon
1P - Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, Species Clause, Banned Moves: Dig, Double Team, Fissure, Fly, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Minimize, Psywave
1U - Banned Pokémon: Mew, Mewtwo
2P - Banned Pokémon: Alakazam, Chansey, Cloyster, Dragonite, Exeggutor, Gengar, Golem, Jolteon, Jynx, Lapras, Slowbro, Snorlax, Starmie, Tauros, Zapdos
2U - Banned Pokémon: Articuno, Moltres
3U - Banned Pokémon: Dodrio, Gyarados, Haunter, Hypno, Kadabra, Kangaskhan, Persian, Poliwrath, Raichu, Raticate, Rhydon, Tentacruel, Victreebel
4U - Banned Pokémon: Aerodactyl, Charizard, Clefable, Dewgong, Dugtrio, Electabuzz, Exeggcute, Fearow, Golduck, Kingler, Mr. Mime, Pinsir, Poliwhirl, Sandslash, Vaporeon, Venusaur, Wigglytuff
5U - Banned Pokémon: Abra, Arcanine, Blastoise, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Omastar, Porygon, Rapidash, Scyther, Slowpoke, Staryu, Tangela, Venomoth
6U - Banned Pokémon: Arbok, Dragonair, Drowzee, Electrode, Gastly, Graveler, Lickitung, Magmar, Ninetales, Parasect, Poliwag, Primeape, Seadra, Seaking, Vileplume, Wartortle
1U - Banned Pokémon: Mew, Mewtwo
2P - Banned Pokémon: Alakazam, Chansey, Cloyster, Dragonite, Exeggutor, Gengar, Golem, Jolteon, Jynx, Lapras, Slowbro, Snorlax, Starmie, Tauros, Zapdos
2U - Banned Pokémon: Articuno, Moltres
3U - Banned Pokémon: Dodrio, Gyarados, Haunter, Hypno, Kadabra, Kangaskhan, Persian, Poliwrath, Raichu, Raticate, Rhydon, Tentacruel, Victreebel
4U - Banned Pokémon: Aerodactyl, Charizard, Clefable, Dewgong, Dugtrio, Electabuzz, Exeggcute, Fearow, Golduck, Kingler, Mr. Mime, Pinsir, Poliwhirl, Sandslash, Vaporeon, Venusaur, Wigglytuff
5U - Banned Pokémon: Abra, Arcanine, Blastoise, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Omastar, Porygon, Rapidash, Scyther, Slowpoke, Staryu, Tangela, Venomoth
6U - Banned Pokémon: Arbok, Dragonair, Drowzee, Electrode, Gastly, Graveler, Lickitung, Magmar, Ninetales, Parasect, Poliwag, Primeape, Seadra, Seaking, Vileplume, Wartortle
Note that I've excluded pokemon that have a more evolved form legal (e.g. Ivysaur is listed but not Bulbasaur)
Ivysaur, Charmeleon, Squirtle, Butterfree, Beedrill, Pidgeot, Rattata, Spearow, Ekans, Pikachu, Sandshrew, Nidorina, Nidorino, Clefairy, Vulpix, Jigglypuff, Golbat, Gloom, Paras, Venonat, Diglett, Meowth, Psyduck, Mankey, Growlithe, Machamp, Weepinbell, Tentacool, Geodude, Ponyta, Magneton, Farfetch'd, Doduo, Seel, Muk, Shellder, Onix, Krabby, Voltorb, Marowak, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Weezing, Rhyhorn, Horsea, Goldeen, Magikarp, Ditto, Flareon, Omanyte, Kabutops, Dratini
Ivysaur, Charmeleon, Squirtle, Butterfree, Beedrill, Pidgeot, Rattata, Spearow, Ekans, Pikachu, Sandshrew, Nidorina, Nidorino, Clefairy, Vulpix, Jigglypuff, Golbat, Gloom, Paras, Venonat, Diglett, Meowth, Psyduck, Mankey, Growlithe, Machamp, Weepinbell, Tentacool, Geodude, Ponyta, Magneton, Farfetch'd, Doduo, Seel, Muk, Shellder, Onix, Krabby, Voltorb, Marowak, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Weezing, Rhyhorn, Horsea, Goldeen, Magikarp, Ditto, Flareon, Omanyte, Kabutops, Dratini
Orth's Theorymon
Let's begin with a song. I'm thinking of a lovely little song called Trilobite by the band Mastodon. Why this song? Well for starters its title describes the most eye-catching drop from 5U- Kabutops. Right from the get-go this figures to be the tier's most dominant force, with stats that range from average to great, moves like Swords Dance and Slash and a decent typing to boot. Right off the bat I'm eyeing it as a potential suspect candidate, but whether that plays out in practice remains to be seen, as there are revenge killers available and some pokemon that can live a boosted hit and retaliate.
There's one more reason I like the aforementioned song for this tier- it's sludge metal. You know what else brings sludge to the table? Weezing and Muk of course. They're two pokemon with a lot of offensive firepower, bringing decent physical attack and the invaluable Explosion, while sporting Fire Blast and Thunderbolt to provide excellent coverage. Speed is an issue, but their bulk may prove solid in this tier and their typing isn't as bad as it is in the tiers above. Funnily enough this links into my next batch of theorymon.
Several Fighting types dropped to 5U, ones which have BSTs that you look at and think "why the hell are they tiered this low?" The most obvious is Machamp with its decent bulk, insane 130 base ATK and array of different coverage moves, a set of tools which is sure to make it a premier threat. The other notable Fighting type is Hitmonlee. Although it's about as durable as 1 ply toilet paper, its ATK stat isn't far behind that of Machamp's, while in exchange for the inferior bulk it gets the best Fighting STAB in the game as well as excellent speed, making it a top sweeper and also the best revenge killer of Kabutops.
What other powerhouses dropped? Magneton is another notable mention. It has good overall stats and a monstrously powerful Thunderbolt to menace teams with. As always, coverage is an issue, but how relevant Ground and Grass types are remains to be seen. While I'm talking about Electrics, Pikachu stands out, as it has excellent coverage options and outpaces most pokemon in the tier.
Flareon is the next biggest threat to drop, and it's in a really interesting position. On the one hand, its offensive output is ridiculous in this tier, on the other, Kabutops is a big problem for it. Fortunately, Kabutops will be reluctant to switch directly due to the threat of status from Body Slam and Fire Blast, but it still undeniably puts a huge damper on a prospective Flareon hype train. Another notable Fire type is Ponyta, which is fast and has access to Fire Spin, which is always a good combo to have up your sleeve.
Ground types are next on my list of things to discuss. Marowak is a prominent drop, with decent stats and good coverage. It looks to be decent, but unspectacular, being held back by its special frailty. Kabutops scares it as well, but it can't switch in easily and it would function as a hit and run attacker anyway. Diglett is notable for being really fast and... not much else. I'm not a fan of it, but I could be wrong. Geodude is also interesting, thanks to its Rock type and Explosion, but it possesses all of Marowak's flaws to an even greater extreme. Also Rock type is redundant with Kabutops.
Flying types will be the truest measure of Kabutops' impact, as neither Doduo nor Pidgeot can get by it. I'm sceptical of their effectiveness as there are also other pokemon there to keep them in check. Random shoutout to Golbat for being fast and capable of hitting Rock types super effectively thanks to Mega Drain. It could seriously be viable sooner rather than later, which is downright hilarious since it's so terrible.
Random other things: Don't sleep on Dratini. Prior to the rise of Arbok and Gastly in 5U, Enigami demonstrated that it's not totally insane to run Dratini in that tier, so in a lower tier you would think it would only get stronger. Butterfree will be the king of status in the tier, while also being decent offensively thanks to Psychic. Also notable, but imo outclassed, are Weepinbell and Ivysaur. Their stats are thoroughly uninspiring, but they have Sleep Powder and aren't pushovers offensively so they could definitely be an option as a second sleeper. Also we're running out of sleep users. Lastly there are a bunch of interesting Water types, mainly Shellder and Tentacool, but they have to compete with Kabutops.
There's one more reason I like the aforementioned song for this tier- it's sludge metal. You know what else brings sludge to the table? Weezing and Muk of course. They're two pokemon with a lot of offensive firepower, bringing decent physical attack and the invaluable Explosion, while sporting Fire Blast and Thunderbolt to provide excellent coverage. Speed is an issue, but their bulk may prove solid in this tier and their typing isn't as bad as it is in the tiers above. Funnily enough this links into my next batch of theorymon.
Several Fighting types dropped to 5U, ones which have BSTs that you look at and think "why the hell are they tiered this low?" The most obvious is Machamp with its decent bulk, insane 130 base ATK and array of different coverage moves, a set of tools which is sure to make it a premier threat. The other notable Fighting type is Hitmonlee. Although it's about as durable as 1 ply toilet paper, its ATK stat isn't far behind that of Machamp's, while in exchange for the inferior bulk it gets the best Fighting STAB in the game as well as excellent speed, making it a top sweeper and also the best revenge killer of Kabutops.
What other powerhouses dropped? Magneton is another notable mention. It has good overall stats and a monstrously powerful Thunderbolt to menace teams with. As always, coverage is an issue, but how relevant Ground and Grass types are remains to be seen. While I'm talking about Electrics, Pikachu stands out, as it has excellent coverage options and outpaces most pokemon in the tier.
Flareon is the next biggest threat to drop, and it's in a really interesting position. On the one hand, its offensive output is ridiculous in this tier, on the other, Kabutops is a big problem for it. Fortunately, Kabutops will be reluctant to switch directly due to the threat of status from Body Slam and Fire Blast, but it still undeniably puts a huge damper on a prospective Flareon hype train. Another notable Fire type is Ponyta, which is fast and has access to Fire Spin, which is always a good combo to have up your sleeve.
Ground types are next on my list of things to discuss. Marowak is a prominent drop, with decent stats and good coverage. It looks to be decent, but unspectacular, being held back by its special frailty. Kabutops scares it as well, but it can't switch in easily and it would function as a hit and run attacker anyway. Diglett is notable for being really fast and... not much else. I'm not a fan of it, but I could be wrong. Geodude is also interesting, thanks to its Rock type and Explosion, but it possesses all of Marowak's flaws to an even greater extreme. Also Rock type is redundant with Kabutops.
Flying types will be the truest measure of Kabutops' impact, as neither Doduo nor Pidgeot can get by it. I'm sceptical of their effectiveness as there are also other pokemon there to keep them in check. Random shoutout to Golbat for being fast and capable of hitting Rock types super effectively thanks to Mega Drain. It could seriously be viable sooner rather than later, which is downright hilarious since it's so terrible.
Random other things: Don't sleep on Dratini. Prior to the rise of Arbok and Gastly in 5U, Enigami demonstrated that it's not totally insane to run Dratini in that tier, so in a lower tier you would think it would only get stronger. Butterfree will be the king of status in the tier, while also being decent offensively thanks to Psychic. Also notable, but imo outclassed, are Weepinbell and Ivysaur. Their stats are thoroughly uninspiring, but they have Sleep Powder and aren't pushovers offensively so they could definitely be an option as a second sleeper. Also we're running out of sleep users. Lastly there are a bunch of interesting Water types, mainly Shellder and Tentacool, but they have to compete with Kabutops.