RBY 2U-L RBY 2U Viability Rankings

I think wrath and victreebel are tang's best comparisons

tang can't really hurt much stuff compared to either of those two, it is a rhydon check like wrath, and it has partial trapping to pivot like victreebel. Also, unlike both of those, it's a decent gyarados switch-in, and like vic is a raichu response


For this tier there are still a few fully evolved pokemon not rated. A bit understandable since they're all outclassed in one way or the other, but for pure completion value it seems polite to add them in even if they're not fully tested.

Arcanine- E or F was the only time it was mentioned by Enigami
Dewgong- It's considered tier A in 3U, so perhaps at least E or F here as well?
Hitmonlee- G?
Lickitung- G?
Muk- E or F?
Onix- G?
Parasect- G?
Porygon- E or F?
Primeape - E or F?
Weezing- It's been E in in every other tier, but never ranked here. Perhaps E here as well?
Wigglytuff- It's consider tier C in 3U, so perhaps at least E or F here as well?
I think 2U to be the tier of mixed sweepers, possibly fast ones. You have a backup for Exeggutor, Alakazam and Tauros, but I don't see pokemon like Chansey and Snorlax - hence having good threats is key.
Tangela is similar to Hypno and Clefable in a weird way: it's a low-speed status spreader. Sleep Powder is good, but we might say that Stun Spore is inaccurate just like Hypnosis is inaccurate when compared to Sleep Powder, plus Tangela is pretty bad against status absorbers.
Hypno and Rhydon see a lot of play because their power level is tremendous, and I think you're not going to counter Rhydon with a Grass: you just try to win the game with more threats.


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I think 2U to be the tier of mixed sweepers, possibly fast ones. You have a backup for Exeggutor, Alakazam and Tauros, but I don't see pokemon like Chansey and Snorlax - hence having good threats is key.
Tangela is similar to Hypno and Clefable in a weird way: it's a low-speed status spreader. Sleep Powder is good, but we might say that Stun Spore is inaccurate just like Hypnosis is inaccurate when compared to Sleep Powder, plus Tangela is pretty bad against status absorbers.
Hypno and Rhydon see a lot of play because their power level is tremendous, and I think you're not going to counter Rhydon with a Grass: you just try to win the game with more threats.
It's funny you should mention Chansey, since now that I think on it Tang is kinda reminiscent of BoltBeam Chansey- insanely good glue mon that struggles to spread status due to its own offensive failings. And it really is a good glue mon in that it checks a lot of dangerous threats- Don is a big threat, Gyara has literally no safe checks otherwise, while it's as good as Bel against Raichu. Those are all threats where your comparison to HypClef fails, as all those threats significantly dent those two while Tang weathers their assault much better. As for the whole countering Rhydon thing, saying you're not going to counter it is kinda agreed, but Tang provides you with a check that tanks its most threatening move easily while not getting screwed if you mispredict.


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I still advocate for Tang to rise.

What are ppl's thoughts on Dugtrio? Linek brought it against me in our set and with Haunter and Kadabra dominating the lead meta it can definitely be effective imo. Still really limited though, and I'm sure if I used it I'd be reminded of its flaws, but it did a solid job in the match it was used in

Also Vap is pretty bad imo. It just doesn't have a lot going for it, as its bulk isn't quite enough, offensively its lack of status is bad while that and its lack of coverage ensure it's Tenta fodder. I could see it in D tbh.
I still advocate for Tang to rise.
In agreement tbh.

What are ppl's thoughts on Dugtrio? Linek brought it against me in our set and with Haunter and Kadabra dominating the lead meta it can definitely be effective imo. Still really limited though, and I'm sure if I used it I'd be reminded of its flaws, but it did a solid job in the match it was used in
It does have the nice lead matchup, but the presence of Gyarados in the tier (at >60% usage in WC, 4th most-used pokemon), as well as stuff like Dodrio and Victreebel having decent usage mean that you usually lose momentum with it turn 2 anyway. D is fine for it.

Also Vap is pretty bad imo. It just doesn't have a lot going for it, as its bulk isn't quite enough, offensively its lack of status is bad while that and its lack of coverage ensure it's Tenta fodder. I could see it in D tbh.
I haven't really used it recently... but that's because I think it's pretty bad. It's also fodder for the rarer Poliwrath, which is an achievement in and of itself. I agree w/ it going down to D but maybe some bigger Vaporeon fans can tell us how it is to use it [it had ~9% usage in the WC]


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I haven't really used it recently... but that's because I think it's pretty bad. It's also fodder for the rarer Poliwrath, which is an achievement in and of itself. I agree w/ it going down to D but maybe some bigger Vaporeon fans can tell us how it is to use it [it had ~9% usage in the WC]
I think I might actually be one of those Vap fans. I theorymonned that it could be underrated, incorporated it into one of my teams that I was using for the tour and it just totally underwhelmed. I might go ahead and drop it to D

Marco there's a lot of things that wall Tangela, if you expect it to be an offensive powerhouse you're going to be disappointed. But the thing is it's got great bulk, good resistances and practically no weaknesses (basically nothing runs Ice/Fire), so it's really valuable defensively. On offense although it has nothing going for itself it is great when paired with a wallbreaker because of the free switches it provides with Bind. The thing differentiating it from Bel is that it's not Psychic weak and is much better at functioning when para'd which give it a lot more freedom in mindgames with Psychics

The set I use is Sleep/Stun/MD/Bind