A couple of minor tidbits:
-I notice there are a couple of omissions in the tier such as Wigglytuff, Hitmonlee and Lickitung. the latter 2 are probably not noteworthy in the least but IIRC Wiggles has a niche as sort of a Clefable 2.0 doesn't it?
-I notice some of the more popular NFEs like the stupidly Good Kadabra/Haunter and niche following Poliwhirl/Dragonair/Exeggcute there, but I've also heard ones like Slowpoke, Staryu and even Abra got spots of use. would they be notable to bring up or all G tier stuff anyway(a la Pikachu)?
Clefable could be underrated, it's a good pokemon- however, your team starts from Hypno and Kangaskhan: Hypno basically outclasses it, and stacking normal types has its drwabacks (Persian and Dodrio are other options, at least they're fast).
Clefable has some chance especially if you drop Raichu: going for more bulk over speed, mind the Tentacruel in particular.
Wiggly: monotype normal yn? 3U material.
Hitmonlee is bad in a tier full of Psychic types and Haunter. Primeape is the fighting type of choice in 5U (at least it has Rock Slide and Tbolt), and I don't even think it's all that good.
Licktitung is slow and won't make it to 5U.
Poliwhirl is 3U material: it's faster than Poliwrath, not fast enough to be a 2U lead. And Wrath isn't shining here...
Slowpoke is just outpaced, it's very good in 4U.
Abra doesn't even learn recover, and is outclassed by Mr.Mime. 4U
Staryu isn't even a Psychic type and it's frail. 4U
Dragonair ended up being good in 5U; we know what it does (it asks for setup or time to use Agility, then RNG in hitting forever). 2U has Haunter, bulky pokemon and fast ones; 5U was the first tier were we felt we didn't have better pokemon to use / it could do other things other than Wrapping.
Exeggcute has a small niche (mainly as a lead), it can switch into very few pokemn: Hypno, Kadabra and Rhydon.
They're all obviously better than Pikachu, but I don't see a reason for going that low. We're talking about joke pokemon.