Finished PPL 4 - Finals (Won by Flareon Force)

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aka. "FOMG"
Replays are mandatory or else the games will not be counted. It is recommended that you play your games on smogtours or the Pokemon Showdown main server, but not required. RBY OU is played as a best-of-three, while all other tiers are played as best-of-ones. Every double-KO counts as a tie in generation 1-4 and will not be replayed. Every timeout, including due to disconnection, is considered a loss. Make sure to VM your opponent on Pokemon Perfect since that makes handling activity cases much easier for us. VM'ing on Smogon is also okay if both players prefer that. We won't accept discord screenshots as evidence for scheduling if there are the slightest doubts that they could have been faked. Until week 4 starts, managers can trade players and the trades will be effective with the start of the next week. If managers don't send their new lineup in time, we will take the old week lineup. If that isn't possible due to players from the old lineup having been traded, we will use to fill in the empty slots. If a manager wants to sub someone in, they should please tag both the managers and the player of the opposing team in the thread of the current week (this thread) and if possible also on discord. The deadline for the finals is Monday, 29th July 10am GMT+2.

Flareon Force (5) vs Dracarys (2)

RBY OU: Enigami vs SaDiSTiCNarwhal
RBY OU: [B]Ranshiin[/B] vs [S]Laroxyl[/S]
GSC OU: k3nan vs Excal
ADV OU: [B]hclat[/B] vs [S]fatty[/S]
ADV OU: Sas0 vs A Hero's Destiny
DPP OU: Ilesaural vs Sinkyr29
BW OU: Caetano93 vs Pais
ORAS OU: Jytcampbell vs Corckscrew
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Flareons coming through :3
Won, gg
[Gen 3] OU replay: Sas0 vs. a heros destiny - Pokémon Showdown

This is my last game in the tour, I want to thanks Hellpowna and Disaster for trust in a bad player like me. Im very happy cuz this tour have a lot of good feelings to me. PPL was my first teamtour last year i had a lot of good moment with my team, but I did a really bad score, 0-2, for the rest of the year I improved a lot in adv and others and now I did a 4-0.
Really have about my score and my team, I have really good friends in that team. I love you guys :)

(I know, my english is awfull)
I think I forfeited too early G2, I some reason thought his Tauros was still at full (which would've meant I had like 0 chance of bringing it back) when it was actually at 24% and well within Rhydon's EQ range.

I still had a chance through Tauros paralyzing his Alakazam, then all Rhydon had to do was not get crit'd / frozen by his Tauros and it would've cleaned.
This is my first experience as a captain on a team tour and I never, ever thought I would win.
But let's go step by step.
When DA asked me to join as an assman, I was a little skeptical, because I always wanted to play, to improve and compare myself with the best player and learn more and more.
Something inside me told me to take on this brand new challenge.
Before starting this adventure I always thought it was easier to be a captain, but I can assure you that it is not at all like that.
It's never easy to have to make choices, it's never easy to prefer one player to another and this often brings a bad mood to the environment.
This is where I chose to work and operate; I've always thought that in tournaments like these, the harmony and good environment, the synergy between teammates is the key to success and our result is based on this.
But that's not enough.
Fellowship and synergy are not enough to win tournaments; it takes experience combined with talent and the desire to win.
DA and I had very clear ideas on how to operate during the auction.
I can say that all the players we took are the players we had planned to take and we didn't expect to get all of them
We have created the right synergy between established players and new players who want to prove themselves and win.
DA and I have always worked along the same lines of thought and it's "easy" to work when there's agreement.
Personally I'm very happy to have won this tournament for the second time, but I'm even happier for my players, for the commitment and perseverance with which you have achieved this goal.
I'm talking about you because in the end the result is yours, what I and DA could do was to be able to help you in the preparation and be there for anything, but the real work is yours.
In the near future I would like to be able to continue this experience and improve myself even further.
I thank you all for the good times we have had and know that CoCo will always be at your disposal for anything. The real essence of this game is to get to know so many people, exchange ideas, opinions and make friends.
I haven't done any personal s/o, but I just want to spend a few words DA...

Some have criticized him for his attitude, for his ways of doing things, but I think you are an extraordinary person. I know this may be your last competition, but this tournament is also for you and I'm really happy that you won this trophy that you wanted so much. Congrats man, you deserved it!

Also,i wanna thanks Starmaster jr. for the help you gave genuily meant a lot!!
Well, what can I say...thank you all I'm proud of you guys, you're amazing!

These are shoutouts, but not just shoutouts. Wanted to say a lot more, so I did, I think you guys know who I am - I'll write over a 1000 words in the set details for a set in analysis for a Pokemon in a tier less than 20 people play. You're gonna want to sit down and listen to this while you read, but since I'm not GGFan know that you won't need a dictionary by your side for this tl;dr.

Going into this I said it would be my last ever tournament. I had promised my brother Powna a few months before that we would do this together, and that was before I had stepped down on PP. I'm not completely done with Pokemon, but going into this tournament I had basically quit RBY & ADV OU (though I did end up playing one ADV tournament). I'll still be playing ADV 50 and Violet but I don't foresee myself ever playing anything else unless I create it myself (Enigami and I have an idea or two cooking...). I am trying to spend more time living in the physical world than the online space, dedicating myself more to building personal connections, my love of music - listening, performing, and cutting shapes to it, trying to act a little more like I'm normal...

Anyway, back to the Pokemon. Honestly, I never really tried hard to master ADV OU, I had just picked up a lot from watching the egg's videos and watching friends play. I'm surprised with how far I ended up going with it, due to what I view as endemic problems to the tier. I think a year or two ago I was at the top end of the RBY playerbase in terms of quality, but I never translated it into a victory. I feel that, while I had the skills to give any player a hard time potentially, with less than predictable teams, sets, and plays, backed up by a decent knowledge of the tier, I lacked the consistency or the in-depth knowledge of the standards at least to the level of the time.

Frankly, by the time I was actually posting the odd final or semi-final master tournament appearance, my style of play was very outdated. Back when Sing and Counter were more common than Reflect on Chansey, I enjoyed and was looking for those longer, stall-esque games where you had long, PP-draining temporary stalemates. Well, looks like that's the metagame now, but I think I lost the patience for it before it got this way. There was a short period in 2015, when we found Body Slam couldn't paralyze Normal-types, but we hadn't entered the era of Reflect dominance, where the metagame was played mostly fast and aggressively, and that was more or less where my style stuck. Honestly, then, I've never been that great of a player, but, well I kind of offered everything else to the game short of the ability to play it really really well, like so many of the awesome friends I've made here. I helped grow this place in some ways to being what it is today, and it seems it's still able to operate without me, which is great to see.

It's an absolute blessing that I managed to pull together such an amazing team, able to bring us to victory in my last ever tournament. I think it says a lot that the only trophy for victory (outside of ORAS 1U lol...) is in a tournament where I didn't actually play, haha. I think I just prefer analysing and exploring the game, writing about it, building teams, and testing them out, than being the very best like no-one ever was.

Flareon Ultra Cute.png
Now, onto this tournament, and the team I put together.

I was so happy to have hellpowna as my assistant. He is full of life and energy, an absolute talent at DPP in particular, and someone who always brings positivity wherever he goes. Honestly, it was so easy to work with him too, he really understands how these things work as well as anyone, and we had the same vision about having a team that's really fun to be in, genuinely making an effort to make sure everyone is happy in the team while at the same time taking every opportunity to win. He understands that even while it's a competitive game, there is so much to say for teamwork, collaboration, and just enjoying playing Pokemon.

I can't shout out every friend I've made on this journey - I would probably have to include half the players on this forum and 50 people on Smogon to be at all thorough - so I'll stick to my team and the support in the team chat, because I don't want to be as old and wisened as the legendary GGFan by the time I finish writing this. All my friends on Pokemon Perfect, in the RBY and ADV community, in the old XY Ubers community, heck some people from Pokemon Online or other random walks of Pokemon life, I hope you all know how much a difference all of you made in giving this game colour and life for me.

I'll start with the RBY legends I picked up and move on up through the tiers.

Enigami, well, we've been through a lot at this point. You certainly have a fitting name (for those who don't know what it means, put it in reverse!) and a perspective on the game that fits really well with mine. I mean, it doesn't need to be said that really we largely enjoy the same things from the game and hence you're just one of my favourite people in the community. Keep doing you.

, man, how on earth did I get you for 3k?? Everyone else messed up there, not going for one of the most experienced and skillful players in the current metagame. I love to see how your RBY journey has unfolded on PP, I hope you continue to rise the ranks, master the game and keep the community growing too. Also, let's play more Violet


Jon, it's a pity you weren't very active in the chat but I'm still happy I got you. I think you have a lot of potential, keep working at the game and get yourself more involved in the community, and you could go far.

k3nan, ok I definitely got lucky in the auction with half the managers not knowing how to bid apparently, so getting you at 10k was pretty much a steal by definition. But especially in the latter part of the season you really showed your worth. It's definitely no secret by this point that you're one of the best GSCers around, though I do remember the days when you were more of an up and coming ADV talent. I think people probably sleep on you in that metagame now. You were chill to have hanging out in the chat, and great at Pokemon - what more can I ask for from a player anyway? ^^

hclat, still being slept on. Geodude is pretty much metagame-breaking, and although it didn't quite work out in this tournament I think it could turn ADV on its head. Seriously though, it was fun watching such a talent in ADV bringing out and executing well all sorts of crazy stuff, leading to a mixture of victories and games where even if the opponent won you had the moral victory because Calm Mind Mirror Coat Cune + Ninjask probably shouldn't come anywhere as close as it did. Seriously fun to have you around.

Z+V, been impressed with your play for a long time too. Don't know why you ducked out of everything Pokemon related as we hit the finals, but you played a crucial role in getting us here. Loved to see you bringing all sorts of novel spice from hot paprika to Electrode to ADV games, and often taking victories with it too. Like hclat, you didn't just win but won with style.

Sas0, my brother powna was right to pick you out too. I didn't know much about you or your play but I've been happy to at least see you active on the forum. Thanks for sticking with us and being available to substitute in when we've needed it, you were an important part of our success.

Iles so glad to have you as a part of the team. You've been a great friend for a long time, as well as super involved in PP. You killed it in DPP, even if the finals didn't go your way. Now come and kill it with me in ADV 50 :)

GOATano well powna said it all how he spotted your talent. I don't quite remember how we became friends but we've somehow been through a lot at this point ^^ it's really cool to see you're just so good at BW OU, you will make it to SPL I'm sure. But more importantly, you'll master violet as well as BW OU yyyyyy :]

Blue it was cool having you around even though ultimately you didn't end up playing. It was still useful having you around, I hope to see you play more on here :)

jyt I know you weren't super active in the chat but it was fun watching you play and being in a tournament with you again :) it's obvious to everyone on the team just how good you are at this game too ^^

RyLon I'm glad u appreciated the carry haha. It's a pity since you're such a talent you were stuck on the bench, but I'm sure in future tournaments you'll blow people away in ORAS :) let's play more ADV 50 :D haha

Jax I think the rest of the team appreciated having you in the chat and your insights in ADV and DPP were pretty useful. Thanks for supporting us. I know you & I both have reputations of a sort, but it just means you're still totally slept on.

Also shoutouts Stox sorry I didn't bid on u and instead u got pulled up by some other team, u shoulda been on this insane lordsquad, but still. When ur down in London we're gonna celebrate this shit anyway lmaooo

Finally, thanks tj & FOMG for being excellent hosts, Eseque for becoming one with the replay thread, and Lutra for making the most amazing community that made all of this possible!

Since I'm not involving myself next time, I hope one of my powerful flareons, maybe Powna or Iles, carries the fiery hot torch of our legacy into the future. There are many more victories for this unstoppable force awaiting.

GGs everyone, really fun playing with you all.
Congratulations Flareon Force, ggs.

I have to admit that I'm very disappointed with the result, because I feel we didn't do ourselves justice in this final. We did well to fight back from 4-0 down, but completing such a comeback in pokemon is just too hard. Despite that, I think we had a good tournament overall. I'm not in the mood for a really long post at the moment, but I still have to do shout-outs:

tjdaas FriendOfMrGolem120 : Excellent hosting once again. Thank you for dedicating so much time and effort to make this tournament happen guys, I really appreciate it.

ErPeris : Co-managing with such a nice guy couldn't be anything but a very pleasant experience. Probably too nice of a guy for some people that couldn't cope with your heart spam ! I hope we can manage together again next year and eventually get the PPL trophy !

SaDiSTiCNarwhal : Your approach to RBY may seem unconventional at first, but you know how to make your teams work and get wins. I'm very satisfied with you and I hope we can team up again in the future.

Laroxyl : You may be a bit inexperienced in RBY, but I think you have lots of potential. You stepped in and got us much needed wins when our starter fucked up and got himself a ticket for the shadow realm. Your commitment and work ethic was unparalleled; I was very glad to have a player like you.

Decode : This wasn't your tournament, but I still believe that you're a capable player. I really appreciate the fact that you were still willing to help after getting benched in the final; you showed that you were a team player above everything.

fatty : I have to admit that your scheduling gave me several heart attacks throughout the whole tour, but you made up with solid performances for the most part ;)

A Hero's Destiny : Our ADV Hero ;P Your regular season wins were instrumental in getting playoffs. We'll hopefully win it together next time ;)

Excal @Sinkyr : Undisputed best DPP of the tournament, simple as that. I knew we were drafting some very good players, but I couldn't foresee such success in the variance madhouse ! Retains in PPL5, y/y ?

Elioh : This wasn't your tournament either, but bad periods/tournaments are inevitable and, having experienced bad spells myself, I don't want to be too harsh. I appreciate that you were willing to help after getting subbed, thank you.

Pais : I really appreciate how you stepped in and got us crucial BW wins in weeks 4 and 5. Nice to have you on board ;)

Corckscrew: Solid ORAS game, which brought us plenty of wins. Sad you didn't get to actually play the final, we can hopefully have another chance together in the future.

PALESTINE tr0mb0ner : We'd like to give you more game time, but this was impossible considering the circumstances. I hope you understand :/

Last,but not least, @Google Translate: Almost everybody on our team was speaking Italian and your Italian -> English translation helped me understand what was going on in several occasions. I don't know what I would had done without you, hahaha !

See you in PPL 5 guys ;)
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