Hi everyone, i am here to discuss on the possibility of resetting Rby as it used to be before Crystal's shocking discoveries for Rby 1U. Why am i doing this proposal? I think Body Slam's change kind of ruined the tier, or at least, even if i still enjoy playing made it way worse. This is not the Rby we used to love, and the main reasons are:
1- The legendary 4 attacks Snorlax unable to switch properly on Tauros, because he have to boom anytime soon and trade at best while he used to scare the shit out of Tauros with the para chance. Not even the Rest Reflect one is not really comfortable when we talk of switching in, to stay alive you need to setup your Reflect (assuming on crits yet), and you are at 50ish%, then you have to Rest (and leave Tauros without a scratch) or attacking and giving Tauros the chance to crit in the next two for the ko, a really bad situation
2- Similar thing for Rhydon, he used to be way more threating for Tauros, now he is pretty much food, Rhydon can only throw his Earthquake, it is ok, but damaging Tauros without killing at the cost of your last mon slot sucks
3- Chansey able to switch on Snorlax and even having a decent chance of winning Tauros in 1v1 when not para, that's atrocious, and wait before insulting, i'm not saying "Chansey is broken" (thing i adamantly supported when it was time to decide his future in 1U), but still, this is not healthy, it was way better when Snorlax used to be really threating in an offensive way and not just by using Rest and staying to ppstall
4- Snorlax is kind of broken, too many moveset, everything is an unreliable answers. When Body Slam was able to para him, there wasn't time and space to try Reflect or Amnesia, and he did not even need to, he was threating Chansey and Tauros with Body Slams, and it was all we needed.
5- The most obvious one, the Tauros mirrors, they used to decide the game only in the end, because doing in the middle was fair, the chances of one out of two Body Slam to par both was about that good. The victorious Tauros is now a pain in the ass (especially if you rewatch the first two points)
6- Psychic dropping the speed if you are para is bullshit, and gives bad ways to overcome any Psychic resistors, especially in late game, Exeggutor can fight to kill Alakazam and Starmie just by spamming attacks, this not supposed to happen
7- Slowbro's potential, despite his lower usage now, i can't stop thinking about how wrong is it now, Amnesia outspeedding anyone if both para is just another piece of shit today, to be honest, that's an uncompetitive mechanics (uncompetitive=/=asking for ban)
That's why i hope you could take a look and maybe changing your mind, i know this is almost impossible, and probably nobody wants to go this far against the cartridge, i still like a lot of Rby OU, my favorite tier without a doubt, but i used to love it more at the start. In order to take back our best tier at his golden age we have to sacrifice something (cartridge), but i think it is worth it, at least for me.
That's all, peace.
1- The legendary 4 attacks Snorlax unable to switch properly on Tauros, because he have to boom anytime soon and trade at best while he used to scare the shit out of Tauros with the para chance. Not even the Rest Reflect one is not really comfortable when we talk of switching in, to stay alive you need to setup your Reflect (assuming on crits yet), and you are at 50ish%, then you have to Rest (and leave Tauros without a scratch) or attacking and giving Tauros the chance to crit in the next two for the ko, a really bad situation
2- Similar thing for Rhydon, he used to be way more threating for Tauros, now he is pretty much food, Rhydon can only throw his Earthquake, it is ok, but damaging Tauros without killing at the cost of your last mon slot sucks
3- Chansey able to switch on Snorlax and even having a decent chance of winning Tauros in 1v1 when not para, that's atrocious, and wait before insulting, i'm not saying "Chansey is broken" (thing i adamantly supported when it was time to decide his future in 1U), but still, this is not healthy, it was way better when Snorlax used to be really threating in an offensive way and not just by using Rest and staying to ppstall
4- Snorlax is kind of broken, too many moveset, everything is an unreliable answers. When Body Slam was able to para him, there wasn't time and space to try Reflect or Amnesia, and he did not even need to, he was threating Chansey and Tauros with Body Slams, and it was all we needed.
5- The most obvious one, the Tauros mirrors, they used to decide the game only in the end, because doing in the middle was fair, the chances of one out of two Body Slam to par both was about that good. The victorious Tauros is now a pain in the ass (especially if you rewatch the first two points)
6- Psychic dropping the speed if you are para is bullshit, and gives bad ways to overcome any Psychic resistors, especially in late game, Exeggutor can fight to kill Alakazam and Starmie just by spamming attacks, this not supposed to happen
7- Slowbro's potential, despite his lower usage now, i can't stop thinking about how wrong is it now, Amnesia outspeedding anyone if both para is just another piece of shit today, to be honest, that's an uncompetitive mechanics (uncompetitive=/=asking for ban)
That's why i hope you could take a look and maybe changing your mind, i know this is almost impossible, and probably nobody wants to go this far against the cartridge, i still like a lot of Rby OU, my favorite tier without a doubt, but i used to love it more at the start. In order to take back our best tier at his golden age we have to sacrifice something (cartridge), but i think it is worth it, at least for me.
That's all, peace.