All Gens Legacy Tiers

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Any tier which has been overridden in the main tier list by another tier is listed here, as well as the date (year only unless it is necessary to provide greater detail). Popular tiers are playable on the Pokemon Perfect server.

RBY - 2017

2P - Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, Species Clause
Banned Moves: Dig, Double Team, Fissure, Fly, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Minimize, Psywave
Banned Pokémon: Alakazam, Chansey, Cloyster, Dragonite, Exeggutor, Gengar, Golem, Jolteon, Jynx, Lapras, Mew, Mewtwo, Slowbro, Snorlax, Starmie, Tauros, Zapdos
2U - Banned Pokémon: Articuno, Moltres

ADV - 2017

2P - Banned Pokémon: Aerodactyl, Blissey, Celebi, Claydol, Cloyster, Deoxys-E, Dugtrio, Flygon, Forretress, Gengar, Groudon, Gyarados, Heracross, Ho-Oh, Jirachi, Jolteon, Kyogre Latias, Latios, Lugia, Magneton, Mew, Mewtwo, Metagross, Milotic, Porygon2, Rayquaza, Regice, Salamence, Skarmory, Snorlax, Starmie, Suicune, Swampert, Tyranitar, Venusaur, Wobbuffet, Wynaut, Zapdos
Belly Drum + Baton Pass Ban, Ingrain+Baton Pass Ban
2U - Banned Pokémon: Alakazam, Espeon, Medicham, Slaking
3U - Banned Pokémon: Articuno, Breloom, Chansey, Dragonite, Donphan, Entei, Exeggutor, Hariyama, Houndoom, Jynx, Kingdra, Lanturn, Ludicolo, Marowak, Moltres, Nidoking, Omastar, Quagsire, Raikou, Registeel, Rhydon, Slowbro, Solrock, Tauros, Vaporeon, Weezing

Deoxys-E stands for Deoxys-Everything; this means that all Deoxys forms (Normal, Speed, Attack, and Defense) are banned. Similarly, Arceus-E stands for Arceus-Everything, meaning that all Arceus forms are banned.

Belly Drum + Baton Pass Ban means that no Pokémon may have Baton Pass and Belly Drum on the same set. Similary, Ingrain + Baton Pass Ban means that no Pokémon may have Baton Pass and Ingrain on the same set.
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I don't know where else to post this, so feel free to move this post to the appropriate topic if necessary.

If you're going to try and retier DPP LC for whatever reason (and you probably are going to, let's face it), keep DPP LC as DPP LC 1U-L or whatever you guys call it. Even though it's one of Smogon's tiers, it's a great tier. Nice and offensive. I support including it here or SOMEWHERE on this forum.


I don't know where else to post this, so feel free to move this post to the appropriate topic if necessary.

If you're going to try and retier DPP LC for whatever reason (and you probably are going to, let's face it), keep DPP LC as DPP LC 1U-L or whatever you guys call it. Even though it's one of Smogon's tiers, it's a great tier. Nice and offensive. I support including it here or SOMEWHERE on this forum.
doubt a tier with a playerbase that literally consists of Eseque will ever be retiered. SM 1U already fucking died.
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