ATTENTION: For our 2023 season all of our tournaments will be hosted via the Pokémon Perfect Discord server rather than the forums. Please join us there and continue to enjoy our tournaments!
Also, I probably won't make any activity calls for this round until after my last exam on Friday. how many games were called after Monday last week it doesn't seem unreasonable to me that people get extra time to play this round too, but please the sooner the better so that we can get this tournament back on track.
We've now decided to just list the metagame as HGSS OU for this and all future seasons.
There were small technical differences between HGSS OU and HGSS 1U so if you ask your opponent to specifically play with the HGSS 1U rules then your opponent must oblige (this hold for this and all other tournaments in this season)
I've included the old HGSS 1U tier list in the spoiler below:
Species Clause: Each team can have a maximum of one Pokemon of each species.
Sleep Clause: Players can send a maximum of one of their opponent's Pokemon to sleep at a time.
Symmetry Clause: Any game mechanics which do not hold when you switch which player is Player 1 are claused out.
Evasion Abilities Clause: Sand Veil and Snow Cloak cannot be used as an ability on a Pokémon that has access to an alternative ability.
Speed-Passing Clause: Baton Pass and a move that boosts speed cannot be used on the same set.
NightFoxundisputed can you schedule a time this weekend then? It's hard to make an activity call if I have to go off of how often you're on smogtours ConflictVaryel are you in contact, have you scheduled? DMAMael can you try and schedule a time this weekend too?
I will coinflip these games unless they are either done or a player makes the case for activity
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