HGSS OU Master Tournament #13

Reminder: Every series is best of 3!
Just like the last last season, we will be doing seeded pairings. Remember to post your scores!
Round 1 - Deadline: October 22nd, 12:00 AM EST - Contact Deadline: October 19th, 12:00 AM EST
2: Dj breloominati 2 vs 0
3: Ilesaural ACT vs 0
7: SaDiSTiCNarwhal 2 vs 0
8: Sakito 2 vs 1
9: byronthewellwell ACT vs 0
11: SamuelBest ACT vs 0
16: LL ACT vs 0
Round 2 - Deadline: October 29th, 12:00 AM EST
17: AAamen 2 vs 1
21: byronthewellwell 2 vs 1
23: Seven Thunders 2 vs 1
24: Sinkyr29 2 vs 0
Round 3 - QuarterFinals - Deadline: November 5th, 12:00 AM EST
25: AAamen 2 vs 0
27: byronthewellwell 2 vs 0
28: Seven Thunders 2 vs 0
Round 4 - SemiFinals - Deadline: November 12th, 12:00 AM EST
29: AAamen 2 vs 0
Round 5 - Finals - Deadline: November 19th, 12:00 AM EST
Battle for Bronze - Deadline: November 19th, 12:00 AM EST
32. Sakito 2 vs 0 byronthewellwell
1. hyogafodex
Seeding is done using Player Ranking #2. Any player who does not get an opportunity to play in this tournament gets an opportunity to play in the next tournament. Additionally, in the first tournament of the season, every player is seeded, but in the subsequent tournaments, only the top 50% of players are given positions by seeding and uses a variation the pool-shuffling method elucidated by Lutra in this thread.
Any matches which result in a tie are not counted.
2 Points are awarded for completing each round. Every battle victory, in a series which you lose, contributes 1 point. The Battle for Bronze does not contribute any points; it is only for the Master Tournament Bronze medal.
About Deadlines
Any matches not played by the deadline will be coin flipped unless one or both players have submitted a request for an activity win. Additionally, any player deemed inactive may be subbed out: players who have not contacted their opponent by the arrival of the Contact Deadline without contacting the host prior to this point will be substituted out if substitutes are available. Extensions will be allowed should both players request one and provide convincing reasons (TBD by me) regarding why an extension is required. The maximum time allocated for any given extension (unless unavoidable, extenuating circumstances factor in) prior to the quarterfinal round will be 2 days: the extended deadline will be 12:00 AM EST on the first Wednesday after the initial deadline. Please do not hesitate to contact me on either PP or Discord at Excal#1596 if you need an extension, because I'll mostly likely grant them if a valid reason has been given.
Any calls I make in specific games can be contested for 24 hours. If, by 24 hours, nothing has been said to me / in this topic, the decision is final and I won't change it. Furthermore, please do not play your next series before the OP has been updated or I have liked your post. I know that my timezone can differ from yours. so you need to wait a bit, but this ensures that no ambiguous messages are wrongly interpreted.
Also a reminder: I will be strict with inactivity. As a person who is very busy with college and life, I am still able to consistently get my matches done with no activity issues. I feel that if you sign up, it is a commitment. I will take note of the people who are eliminated from a tournament due to activity, and if it happens twice you will be penalized by prohibited entry from the next tournament.
In other tournaments, other hosts and I may not necessarily follow the same policy on deadlines.