Hey all, post your thoughts on the tier here! This is also the place to call for any potential suspects. Eventually we'll be getting up a VR ranking thread (probably soon, since we can just modify the old one) so that'll also be another place to discuss.
My first thoughts after my series vs Drud:
My first thoughts after my series vs Drud:
- Atm it seems like the tier has enough para spreaders to keep AgiNite in check, but holy hell is Dragonite bulky. Gyarados barely dents it with Body Slam, so you can expect it to start running Blizz, over either BSlam or HPump imo. Actually come to think of it, is there anything Gyara does that DNite doesn't? I guess there's outspeeding DNite lol, but otherwise it's just got STAB HPump and that's it
- What does Kangaskhan run? Without Don there's no need for Surf, but does DNite replace it with Blizz, or is Khan more free to run Counter?
- Electabuzz is at least as good as Raichu- Surf is nowhere near as useful as it was with Don around, while Buzz's Psychic at least hits Bel- not the biggest threat, but still relevant, more so than Surf. It feels like a bold statement to say that Buzz is better, but it's plausible tbh. More likely they're on par with each other.
- Dodrio is a thing. It still struggles to stand out from the other Normals but without Don to fall back on it can be pretty scary
- Yeah Haunter's probably S