After playing the meta a bit more, here are my thoughts on threats and things. (May be a long post)
Cloyster: Easy A+ rank, probably S rank. The main spiker and probably the main spinner in the tier with a decent movepool. You can fit it on every team, and it is pretty splashable. It has decent stabs, option to boom, resttalk, toxic, etc and very high defense.
Rain spam: A fun playstyle. If played right, it can easily run through teams. I'd say the main set up for these teams would be 2-3 rain sweepers, grass killer, electric killer, special wall killer, filler. As far as the most threatening rain abusers go, I'd say watch out for Omastar and Gorybyss. High special attack and will most likely getting at least 1 kill with rain up. I'd say rain in this meta would be equivalent to a little worse rain in Smogon OU.
Machamp/Fighting types in general: Very good in this meta. I think Machamp deserves a special mention though because of the versatility. It can run CB and break pretty much everything, you may have to use prediction. My favorite set however is one that I have innovated, Rest/Bulk Up/Cross Chop or Brick Break/HP Ghost. This set beats all the stall in the meta right now. It straight up counters Dusclops and Chansey, and if it gets started with setting up, the game is over. Other fighting types such as Medicham and Blaziken are very threatening here as well. Blaziken can use a SD set very well, and with decent speed proceed to sweep even the bulkiest of teams. Medicham serves as the wallbreaker of wallbreakers. Nothing other than ghost types really want to switch into a CB fighting stab. Even mons that resist the stab will take a decent chunk.
Alakazam: This mon is going to be good as well. It has a great speed tier, so it breaks offense with its hard hitting stab. CM, although having trouble with Dusclops and some Chansey, can do well against fat teams especially with the coverage it can run. It also gets reliable recovery and Synchronize, so you must take caution when trying wear it down with status.
That's all I have for now, I'm sure I'll have more later. Very fun meta! Maybe if we keep growing it, we could get a council going (I don't think there is one already, correct me if I am wrong) and I would be glad to help out, just
Cloy is pretty good but its typing isn't that good and gives it a ton of overlap with other good mons in the tier (such as Lapras, Rain mons, Slowbro, Vaporeon, etc.), but yeah it'll definitely be very high up in the rankings, Spiking+Spinning+Booming+Good stats=enough.
There's a lot of available rain counterplay though, for defensive teams there's Chansey, Specially bulky Grasse s [Venusaur mainly], Rain-stall-esque Leech Ludicolo, Cradily (Recover but Ice weak), Lapras [super bulky water absorb 4x ice resist], vaporeon [wisher, water absorb, 130/95 special bulk], for offense there's the consideration of rain mons generally being pretty slow outside of rain, sun mons like exeggutor would be pretty nice anti-sun, powerful offensive stuff like the many available Normal-type would be good - Omastar/Kabutops aren't that bulky rocks [compared to some available in this tier] and more exploitable due to the huge grass weakness. Grass tpyes look great on that note. Also Registeel is Water-neutral and 80/150 bulk with Twave. I'm happy to say there's a ton of available counterplay, if you put some thought into it.
I really don't think Machamp's that special - a Bulk Up abuse set would be better (does it get that, idr?). It's nice and powerful, and yes can break Clops+Chans [can't think up a way to describe it as nice as SkarmBliss sounds] as can a lot of mons, idt it makes it that special. Hariyama would make use of that set betetr, due to Guts, although Knock Off>HP Ghost to annoy things in general could be nice too. Fighting types do have more issues than Dusclops, though Fight+Ghost=Perfect neutral coverage. Poison-, Flying-, Psychic-, and Bug-types all resist Fighting too. Medicham or Blaziken can run Boosting moves+Fighting/Ghost/Rock coverage, though I'm not totally sure what blaze really wants to run. I think you're over-rating the fighting types though. Yes, they are good, but due to their avereage speed and mediocre bulk, in spite of high power, they're not all that good. Still, it's cool having decent Fighting-types available.
Yeah Zam is really cool, has a ton of options. Trick messes with some stall, Toxic/Twave are neat tools, it gets Taunt, Encore, screens, Recover and CM of course, Knock Off, elemental punches, and some less significant things too. It looks like a really neat mon in the meta for sure, very customisable.