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All Gens Consistent Wording For Tiers

Discussion in 'Tiers' started by Disaster Area, Dec 4, 2016.

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  1. Disaster Area

    Disaster Area Little Ball of Furr and Power Member

    May 4, 2014
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    I'm looking for thoughts on what words we ought to be using to distinguish different sorts of tiers. I'll discuss motivations later.

    Currently we have 3 different sorts of Tiers which we want to distinguish, for example in the analysis section or in the titles of the threads on Pokemon Perfect's Tiers. We have our #U Tiers, our #X tiers, where X is a letter other than U, and # represents a number, and we have tiers which aren't a part of that system.

    - I want it to be clear and natural-sounding to distinguish between these three sorts of tiers.
    - A part of Pokemon Perfect's view on Tiers is that they are all equal in some sense - with the exception of between #U and #X tiers - the main thing really distinguishing one tier from another being the size of their playerbase. Between #U and #X tiers, #U are however considered more important than #X tiers. For a clear elaboration on the tiers' distinction and purpose, please see this thread on Pokemon Perfect's Tiering System. Between #U tiers and tiers that are not within our main tiering system, there is more or less equality in terms of how we should approach and treat them. For example, say if SM Balanced Hackmons was proving to be somewhat popular, say, then we would consider giving it its own Seasons forum. This makes saying for example Main- and non-Main tiers to distinguish between the two a bit troublesome, as does say Primary- and Secondary-.

    Basically, in this thread, I want to come up with synonyms for the following 3 things:
    #U Tiers
    #X Tiers
    Non-Tiering System Tiers

    that is somewhat intuitive, clear, not too long, and doesn't cloud people's perceptions to see #U Tiers as being significantly more important than Non-Tiering System Tiers, or seeing #X Tiers as on fully equal footing as #U Tiers.

    It's surprisingly challenging so I've made this thread to hash it out, as well as it being good to have a clear thread to turn to, to explain why certain tiers are denoted in certain ways as well as to be clear on how the site views its tiers.
    Lutra likes this.
  2. Lutra

    Lutra Site Founder Owner

    Nov 2, 2011
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    #X keeps reminding of that fake XU tier you made. I think you better explain what X really means in the first place.

    I think you may be a bit confused anyway.

    Hackmons is just a modified allow list and violet is an extensive mechanical mod. With randomised tiers, the choice is taken from you. Some formats have only one tier, but it doesn't mean they can't all follow a tier system. Therefore I think you can describe these formats in lots of different ways, just as you can have multiple tier systems.

    RBY, GSC etc. are the main tier sets for PP and only have hackmon/sim restrictions, but we potentially have Little Cup and younameit Cup which are more restricted tier sets.

    So we have:

    Tier Sets (main tier sets being the standard tier sets of the generation: RBY 1U, 2U etc all belong to these tier sets)
    Tier Levels (1 being the main tier level)
    Tier Stages (U being the main tier stage)

    All tiers are classified by the above, but a tier is only brought into existence if it's played.

    So what I'm saying is what you are describing is a format or a ruleset classification, not a tier classification with the "the non tier system tiers". Though some formats don't necessarily need tier systems I suppose.

    I'd just call something non-main as alternative.

    We could always add a rank above Tier sets, called tier systems, where set properties can be defined, but then Smogon's loose structure might not be easy to describe.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2016
    Disaster Area likes this.
  3. Lutra

    Lutra Site Founder Owner

    Nov 2, 2011
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    Also, tier sets are kind of like the bridge between a tier system and a format/ruleset.
  4. Disaster Area

    Disaster Area Little Ball of Furr and Power Member

    May 4, 2014
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    In this thread I was just being general and looking for a nicer way to allude to any tier that you would describe with the nomenclature from this thread that is not a number followed by U. So I mean like in RBY we have 1A, 1P, 1R, 1V etc.

    Good points.

    Also good points.

    Will use this, thanks!

    I think that is what a tier system is. A forum can go about defining them hwoever they like I guess
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
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