Tournament Rules
Jimothy Cool vs Endill
Gainery vs pkLeech
Shing vs Kokujo O Tatsumaki
pokology vs kiru_dakas
Shamankingaursu vs Hiro'
RampageWebber vs Churielix
sprinkles vs Kerts
Round 1-
Jimothy Cool/Endill vs elpresidento
Gainery/pkLeech vs Drogba in Shenhua
Shing/Kokujo O Tatsumaki vs Fruhdazi
pokology/kiru_dakas vs 5imian
Shamankingaursu/Hiro' vs ojr
RampageWebber/Churielix vs Wingodhalf
sprinkles/Kerts vs Kollin7
Voyager vs Lukee
Colteor vs airfare
Ara ara vs Heika
johnnyg2 vs Sheik
Ctown vs D4 Repertoire
Yves Stone vs BluesEnergy00
thunder109050 vs the918th
kael vs Jester
OOz!? vs Waves
Round 2-
Heika vs Colteor
Wingodhalf vs OOz!?
Voyager vs Endill
5imian vs Kollin7
BluesEnergy00 vs D4 Repertoire
the918th vs Fruhdazi
pkLeech vs Hiro'
kael vs Sheik
Round 3-
kael vs 5imian
pkLeech vs Colteor
BluesEnergy00 vs OOz!?
Endill vs Fruhdazi
pkLeech vs Endill
kael vs BluesEnergy00
Endill vs BluesEnergy00
- Single elimination.
- All matches are bo3.
- All Smogon rules, bans and clauses are applicable.
- Replays are mandatory from the semifinals onward.
- All pairings in all rounds will be completely random. There are no predetermined brackets.
- Only communication on Pokemon Perfect or on Discord is eligible for consideration in the event of an activity win situation. Substitute and Extensions Policy
Jimothy Cool vs Endill
Gainery vs pkLeech
Shing vs Kokujo O Tatsumaki
pokology vs kiru_dakas
Shamankingaursu vs Hiro'
RampageWebber vs Churielix
sprinkles vs Kerts
Round 1-
Jimothy Cool/Endill vs elpresidento
Gainery/pkLeech vs Drogba in Shenhua
Shing/Kokujo O Tatsumaki vs Fruhdazi
pokology/kiru_dakas vs 5imian
Shamankingaursu/Hiro' vs ojr
RampageWebber/Churielix vs Wingodhalf
sprinkles/Kerts vs Kollin7
Voyager vs Lukee
Colteor vs airfare
Ara ara vs Heika
johnnyg2 vs Sheik
Ctown vs D4 Repertoire
Yves Stone vs BluesEnergy00
thunder109050 vs the918th
kael vs Jester
OOz!? vs Waves
Round 2-
Heika vs Colteor
Wingodhalf vs OOz!?
Voyager vs Endill
5imian vs Kollin7
BluesEnergy00 vs D4 Repertoire
the918th vs Fruhdazi
pkLeech vs Hiro'
kael vs Sheik
Round 3-
kael vs 5imian
pkLeech vs Colteor
BluesEnergy00 vs OOz!?
Endill vs Fruhdazi
pkLeech vs Endill
kael vs BluesEnergy00
Endill vs BluesEnergy00