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  • hi, as i mentioned earlier in pm i can't play until tuesday as i'm on vacation, after that i can play whenever after 9 pm gmt +2, lmk what works
    yo frans, when you wanna play r2 ADV. im Gmt 0 as you know. I can play any weekday after 6.30 and anytime at weekends.
    Malta Kano
    are you on rn?
    Malta Kano
    i do, its frania snowflake#9054
    ok il add and no im not able to play rn i will be able later. imma message u on discord to organise the game because i dont get notifications here.
    hey, we're paired for adv wc. when do you awnt to play

    im gmt+10 and would really like to play the game before friday
    Malta Kano
    yea id rather play soon too, but i dont know if this is going to possible since im gmt +1. i should be free after 4 pm on monday and friday, 3 pm on tuesday and thursday and 5 pm on wednesday
    gosh thats tricky. lets play Thursday 15:00 (GMT+1), which is 00:00 for me. any earlier you can make it would be very much appreciated.

    alternatively if you stay up til midnight (beginning of thursday) i can get up at 9am
    Malta Kano
    hey im staying home tomorrow, so i should be free today till around 01:00 and all day tomorrow if you want to play then.

    i messed up, the earliest i can play on thursday is 15:30, but i should be free after 15:00 on friday. i cant really stay up till midnight on any other day, since i got to wake up early
    Hey, dewford cup! When?
    Malta Kano
    im gmt +2 free after 5 pm today, anytime before 3 pm tomorrow and all day on sunday
    Let's play sunday. Do you have discord? Kerts #5360
    Hey, when adv master tour? Im +2 and can play most evenings from 9 to 11/12pm my time
    Malta Kano
    hi would be nice if we could play today, 9 pm?
    I'll be on smogtours in 15/20 mins if thats ok
    Malta Kano
    sure np
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