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  • Hey dude when do you wanna play for Viridian? I'm gmt-4 for this week only, and I could do Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday at 9am my time. Any of those work for you?
    i'm also free on friday if that helps
    Golden Gyarados
    Golden Gyarados
    Tuesday it looks like I can do 2pm my time which should be 8pm for you, is that good?
    works for me. im also home sick today so i can do mostly any time today
    Hey, we're paired for GSC 1B NF. I'm EST (GMT-4) and morning/early afternoon (8am-3pm my time) works best for me. When would you like to play?
    My best time is likely around 2pm your time tomorrow if that works for you. Gmt+2 btw
    2pm sounds fine :] See you then!
    yo since it looks like your no chansey idea has a little support but not much, well... I recommend talking about it on smogon too (you have policy review posting priviledges right?) and there's no reason you couldn't try if it fails on pp and on smogon to get the traction to become either place's main rby tier, to form your own community (or reopen rby2k10) for that purpose and see how it grows
    Where are you
    on vacation since friday
    im home at thursday evening, we can play friday morning i think
    Hey! We gotta play for Tokusane Cup, I prefer next week 6th or 7th July (7th might be shaky too depending on if Germany wins vs Italy this Saturday :D), in the afternoon GMT+2. Works?
    sorry for late response
    i can play you 6th july np tho, but i have work until 17. does 19.00 work for you?
    Yes that works. I'm gonna be in Old Gens room on PS
    Hey Isa, when you wanna fight for Tokusane? I'm GMT-5, Sunday looks good for me
    then sunday we shall fight, i recommend 9.30 pm my time which is gmt+2
    Golden Gyarados
    Golden Gyarados
    Should be 230pm for me, sounds perfect. See you then!
    hey mate, we have to play for gsc ubers. I'm +11, good to fight most nights, when's good for you?
    hey, gsc ubers time. I'm +11, good to fight p much any night, during the day I'm able to any day as well, but I'm limited to mornings on a few days. When's good for you?
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