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Sep 10, 2018
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    1. Haru
      sent a friend request
    2. FriendOfMrGolem120
      Hi, you have qualified for the Pokemon Perfect GSC OU Championship (16 players, seeded bo3 single elimination, NO CASH PRIZE this time). Do you want to participate?
      If possible message me on discord about it as I will see it sooner there. FriendOfMrGolem120#4448
    3. emma
      hi we play for gsc open. im -5 and would prefer wednesday after 4pm, friday after 7pm, saturday before 4pm, or sunday not from 2-4pm
      emma ❤#4133 if you wanna schedule on discord
      1. Dragonjarl
        DJarl/Julian Ross#9125
        Feb 1, 2021
      2. Dragonjarl
        if you don't accept my friendship, it won't make me reply to your messages.
        Feb 1, 2021
    4. TC
      gsc champ when, im -4 and my best times are 11:59pm or 5-6am
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dragonjarl
        Ok, I waited for you for half an hour but you didn't come, so let's do it tomorrow at the same (my) time as today.
        Nov 27, 2020
      3. Dragonjarl
        Ah, you had already written it lol.
        Nov 27, 2020
      4. TC
        im online
        Nov 28, 2020
    5. Yin
      Playing for GSC Qualifier. I'm GMT -7 and available any morning/afternoon barring Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dragonjarl
        Ok, sorry about today lol, I completely forgot about it XD. See you Thursday then :).
        Oct 13, 2020
      3. Yin
        Due to some unforeseen personal reasons I won't be able to do any match after this. Seeing how that wouldn't be fair if I were to win then just drop, I'll give you the win.
        Oct 15, 2020
      4. Dragonjarl
        Oh, just now I have read the message and I was preparing for the match. I hope it is nothing serious Yin, this is my discord if you want to do some matches with me: DJarl/Julian Ross#9125. Gl for all :-).
        Oct 15, 2020
    6. SOMALIA
      GMT+1 anytime between 2-9pm gmt+1 anyday friday or after
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SOMALIA
        im on smogtours and main
        Aug 1, 2020
      3. Dragonjarl
        Sorry but I had a bad unexpected event today, I wanted to warn you before the given time but I was unable to come. Can we do it at the same time tomorrow?
        Aug 1, 2020
      4. SOMALIA
        that works yeah same time see you then
        Aug 1, 2020
    7. Teclis
      hi! We have to play for the ADV Qualifier, I'm GMT+2 and can play Tuesday and Saturday evening as long as it is not too late my time and should be able to free up time all day Sunday as long as told in advance. I'll also be available a couple mornings/afternoons during the week on a case-by-case basis, so lmk which times work the best for you and we will see from there.
      1. Dragonjarl
        My gmt is +1, we can play tomorrow at 7 or 8p.m. (my time), ok?
        Mar 9, 2020
      2. Teclis
        Tomorrow at 8PM ur time (so 9PM mine) should be fine, see ya then!
        Mar 9, 2020
      3. Dragonjarl
        I'm online, my nick is Dragonjarl
        Mar 10, 2020
    8. Ortheore
      Hi we're opps for rby mt. I'm +11, good to play pretty much any evening except Mon. During the day I can play this Sunday and on Friday. When's good?
      1. Ortheore
        hey diddly-ho neighbourino. When fight?
        Nov 2, 2019
    9. Genesis7
      We're paired for Saffron, I'm GMT -4. When can you play?
      1. Dragonjarl
        I can play at 10 or 11 p.m. (my time, my gmt is +2) this evening.
        Sep 11, 2019
      2. Genesis7
        if you see this in time, I can play at 11 PM your time
        Sep 11, 2019
    10. Frrf
      Hey when do you want to play for saffron cup? I'm not available between Thursday and Sunday 10pm gmt +2 other than that I'm working from 9am to 6pm, if you wanna play tonight it'll have to be before 10pm +2
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Frrf
        I told you when I could play and stop asking me to play when I told you I can't... If I say that it's not possible then it means there's no way I can end of story.
        Sep 7, 2019
      3. Dragonjarl
        But in all this you didn't even write to me when you want to play...
        Sep 8, 2019
      4. Frrf
        ... I can after 10pm tonight or after 6pm during the week is it that hard to understand? Also I usually eat around 8pm
        Sep 8, 2019
    11. Christos
      Hello. Would you like to play me for the Fuchsia Cup ? I can play pretty much every day and my timezone is GMT+3.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Christos
        I'm currently online at RoA as Christoss.
        Jul 11, 2019
      3. Dragonjarl
        Sorry but I waited for you 10 minutes when it was 6:30 p.m. (my time) on PS but you were not there and I disconnected XD. We can play tomorrow at 4 or 5 p.m. (my time).
        Jul 11, 2019
      4. Christos
        Ok, let's play today. You can also find me on discord, as Christos #6145.
        Jul 12, 2019
    12. Decode
      Hi when you wanna play for Fuchsia Cup? I'm gmt+2.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Decode
        Well we are both in r2, are you able to play on monday 7-8 pm?
        Jul 11, 2019
      3. Dragonjarl
        I shouldn't have any problems for that hour :) .
        Jul 11, 2019
      4. Dragonjarl
        Rip i've lost the tour, gl then XD.
        Jul 12, 2019
    13. Mister Tim
      Mister Tim
      Hi when rby
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mister Tim
        Mister Tim
        ok, i will be om roa as francesco timmo
        May 2, 2019
      3. Dragonjarl
        However i'm online.
        May 2, 2019
      4. Mister Tim
        Mister Tim
        me on same alt
        May 3, 2019
    14. Lusch
      Hi! We are opponents for RBY MT #51. I'm GMT+1. Can you play tomorrow night? Like 9pm my time for example (should be flexible, just tell me when)
      1. Dragonjarl
        For me is perfect tomorrow at 9p.m. (your time).
        Mar 15, 2019
      2. Lusch
        Alright. Perfect. I'll be on ruins of alph.
        Mar 15, 2019
    15. Sadlysius
      Hi! When do you want to play for ADV MT? I'm GMT-3
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dragonjarl
        Sorry if I wasn't there yesterday, can you come play today around 5 p.m. (my time) or 8 p.m. (my time)?
        Mar 18, 2019
      3. Dragonjarl
        Ok, today at 12 p.m. (my time). If i'm not on SD at this time, you can take the win ;-).
        Mar 18, 2019
      4. Dragonjarl
        I'm online now.
        Mar 18, 2019
    16. Dinas Oleu
      Dinas Oleu
      Hi. We're matched for GSC MT #31. I'm GMT-6
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dinas Oleu
        Dinas Oleu
        Are you still able to play our match? The deadline is today.
        Jan 21, 2019
      3. Dragonjarl
        I'm sorry, but I'm having a bit of a problem, if I'm not there by 10:30 p.m. (my time) you can take the win.
        Jan 22, 2019
      4. Dragonjarl
        You got the activity win, sorry and gl for the tour then.
        Jan 22, 2019
    17. Sas0
      we have to play for GSC MT
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dragonjarl
        hey, we can play tomorrow at 7 p.m. (my time) if you want.
        Dec 2, 2018
      3. Sas0
        at the moment look good, we can speak by cord
        Dec 2, 2018
      4. Dragonjarl
        sorry i had an unespected event, we can play today at 6 p.m. (my time).
        Dec 4, 2018
    18. HML am
      HML am
      GSC wc, when would you like to play? I’m GMT and feel free to add me on discord for easier scheduling, HML am#4750
      1. View previous comments...
      2. HML am
        HML am
        Hey, can we play on a weeknight, I’m free for all of them.
        Nov 18, 2018
      3. HML am
        HML am
        Also, I don’t know your timezone :/
        Nov 18, 2018
      4. Dragonjarl
        If I tell you that I'm Italian it means that I also told you my GMT or check out the comments below.
        Nov 18, 2018
    19. Rayzark
      oras ou mt, when can you play? i'm gmt+1
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Rayzark
        I must go out now until night, so I hope we can play at a different time.
        Nov 14, 2018
      3. Dragonjarl
        Sorry Ray, i had an unexpected event, we can play tomorrow at 9:30 p.m. ok?
        Nov 14, 2018
      4. Rayzark
        I have just arrived home, so we can play now if you are available.
        Nov 15, 2018
    20. Diophantine
      Hey there, when would you like to play for ADV WC?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Diophantine
        Any evening this week.
        Nov 14, 2018
      3. Dragonjarl
        In this case, tomorrow at 9 p.m. (my time).
        Nov 14, 2018
      4. Diophantine
        Nov 14, 2018
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