ATTENTION: For our 2023 season all of our tournaments will be hosted via the Pokémon Perfect Discord server rather than the forums. Please join us there and continue to enjoy our tournaments!
Hey we are matched up for MT #48. Nights work best for me, but I'm GMT -5 so you will probably be asleep. What are the earliest times and latest times you can do any day?
We have to play for Master Tournament #42; I am in EDT (UTC-4) and can play from 4-8 PM on weekdays and most of the time on weekends. When do you want to play?
Hey, we’ve gotta play for r2 of the GSC MT. Gmt -7 here, and I’m free most of Wednesday/Thursday or after 7pm my time on other days. I work weekends, so unfortunately that time constraint is present on sat/sun as well
wir mussen fur den fuschia cup spielen. wie du wahrscheinlich weisst, bin ich GMT +8. ich werde ab 20:00 in meiner zeit verfugbar sein. wirst du morgen bock dafur haben?
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